Why are there so many billionaires in Asia and the Middle East? Aims: Know what countries and how many billionaires there are in Asia and the Middle East Understand how we are helping these regions get richer Know the difference between human and physical resources Starter: How many Middle Eastern and Asian countries can you name in a pair?
What are physical and human resources? Countries need at least one of these to become rich. Define them both with 2 examples of each! Natural resources occur naturally in or on the Earth, that we can make use of, rivers, soil and oil are all examples of natural resources. Human resources are skills, labour and entrepreneurship of the population.
What makes the Middle East billionaires? Task: Describe the pattern of oil reserves. Explain how this has turned many people in the Middle East into billionaires.
Peer mark Use of compass points Use of place names (e.g. Middle East) Use of accurate statistics (e.g. 47.7 thousand million barrels in Asia) Named 1st use of oil (e.g. cars) Named 2nd use of oil (e.g. electricity/lip salve) Explained how demand has risen in terms of it’s a finite resource and will run out Explained how demand has risen in terms of its higher consumption (more technology, more population)
Who is Zhang Yin and why does she like rubbish? Sort the cards into 3 piles – you choose the categories! Answer the Facebook page Write a detailed PEE paragraph to answer the above question, using the cards as evidence Following mystery, discuss: Why are Zhang Yin’s businesses an example of globalisation in action? How do Zhang Yin’s businesses show how places may be interdependent? Are Zhang Yin’s businesses good for the planet and for people? Are we in the UK linked to Zhang Yin’s recycling in any ways? Who, apart from Zhang Yin, benefits from Zhang Yin’s businesses? What are the positive impacts of Zhang Yin’s businesses? What are the negative impacts of Zhang Yin’s businesses? Who feels these impacts and where?
Now we know the answer to the mystery, what are the answers to… Why are Zhang Yin’s businesses an example of globalisation in action? How do Zhang Yin’s businesses show how places may be interdependent? Are Zhang Yin’s businesses good for the planet and for people? Are we in the UK linked to Zhang Yin’s recycling in any ways? What are the positive and negative impacts of Zhang Yin’s businesses? Who feels these impacts and where? Has she made her money from physical or human resources? Explain!
Zhang Yin’s business is nothing to do with me Agree or disagree? Why?