Who Da Man?? 100 people in 100 days #81-90
James Monroe 5th president of the US Known as “Era of Good Feelings” - touring the states and nominating cabinet members from both north & south Monroe Doctrine - Americas should be free from future European colonization, and interference with independent countries in the Americas would be considered a hostile act toward the United States.
John C. Calhoun Vice President under Jackson A famous “warhawk” along with Henry Clay Was for nullification of federal laws and became the first VP to resign due to conflict with Jackson.
Benjamin Banneker Self-educated mathematician, astronomer, compiler of almanacs, inventor & writer Surveyed land for Washington DC Invented America’s first working clock carved out of wood
Stephen Austin 1st American settler in Texas (when it was still Mexico) Capital of Texas named after him Considered “Father of Texas”
Vasco de Balboa Spanish explorer & Conquistador Discovered the Pacific Ocean Walked across the Isthmus of Panama that connects Central and South America
John Paul Jones Father of the US Navy Fought British during the Revolutionary War in one of the most famous naval battles in US History Famous for his words, “I have not yet begun to fight.”
Henry Knox Served in the Continental Army and the US Army 1st Secretary of War Artillery commander under Washington during the Revolutionary War
William Tecumseh Sherman Union General during the Civil war Fought in the 1st Battle of Bull Run – afterwards put on leave being deemed “unfit for duty” Best known for his march to the sea and the burning of Atlanta
George Rogers Clark Highest ranking American military officer during Revolutionary War; secured the west Spent his life trying to pay off debts he signed for during the Rev. War; family finally received settlement after his death (in Louisville, KY) Brother of William Clark
Prince Henry the Navigator Portuguese explorer, soldier and prince Rarely explored himself, but sent many expeditions to west coast of Africa for mapping routes, spread Christianity, defeat Muslims & establish trade routes Started a Navigation School