Project 18, Leadership Panel Need participants for tonight, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. If interested, please speak with April Legler or email Give your name and the evening you are able to participate
Clubs and Organizations If you are a member of any club or organization, please advise committees and advisors that participation on the Leadership Panel is an ideal way to gain to new members.
International Advantage Session Visa Options Session, focusing on immigrant (green card) options Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 21 BU321 5:30 p.m.
Workshop Interview Workshop Tuesday, February 20 BU406 7:00
Workshop Bidding Workshop Wednesday, February 21 BU300 7:00
eINFO Sessions Held continuously on the BPO website Visit the eINFO Sessions Held continuously on the BPO website Under Student Hot Links, eINFO Sessions Auditorium View company presentations and circulate your resumes Employers use resumes for “preferencing” students for interviews.
CLIPS 3 Thursday, Feb. 22 Mason Gates - Job Direct, “Web-Based Job Search” Dave Quinn – Future Step, “Web-Based Job Search”
Question #1 Behavioral Based Interviewing Do you feel that you have experienced a Behavioral Based Interview yet? a. yes b. No c. Not sure
Question #2: Behavioral Based Interviewing To what degree do you feel that you will be preparing a series of short behavioral-based stories for delivering in interviews? a. Very Frequently b. Frequently c. Not Sure d. Almost Never e. Never
Question #3 To what degree have you developed your interview situations? a. Have developed 4-5 short situations (2-4 minute duration). b. Have developed 2-3 situations. c. Have developed one great situation to use. d. Have not yet started developing my situations e. Do not plan to use the STAR technique.
Question #4 The selection processes used by the firms presenting today are a fair representation of what I have seen firms do to date. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Unsure d. Disagree – This is not yet normal. e. Strongly Disagree – The selection process will not be this involved for most firms.
Question #5 The extensive selection process used by many premier employers today will “discourage” many applicants from applying. a. Strongly Agree – The process is too complex b. Agree c. Unsure – No impact on application d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree – Top students will always do whatever is necessary to get the best job.
Question #6 Selection Topic Repeated? Which of the topics should be repeated in class next semester? a. Both should be repeated b. “Behavioral-Based Interviewing” only c. “Use of Technology in Corporate Recruiting” only d. Neither e. The topics are not relevant to cover in this course.
#7 Amount of Take-Away Value I feel that I learned a significant amount of new information from the two presentations. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. I knew some of this already d. I knew most of this material already e. I knew all of this material before class
#8 - Interviewing Lectures The last three lectures placed emphasis on various interview topics. How much time do you think should be devoted to interviewing? a. Much more emphasis should be placed on interviewing. b. Three is about right. c. Another class would be helpful d. Two would be more appropriate e. Interviewing topics should not be covered
#9 The amount of bidding by this class suggests the majority is seeking employment. What best describes your situation? a. Plan to interview extensively on- and off-campus. b. Plan to interview extensively on my own. c. Interviewing slightly because fairly sure of other commitments. d. Interviewing sparingly due to graduate school plans. e. Have already accepted employment or committed to graduate school.