Thinking Hats There are 6 Thinking Hats and they are used to help us focus and guide our thinking. INFORMATION HAT The white hat is used for information. The questions that can be used with this hat are: What information do I have? What are the facts? What information do I need? What do I want to know? LIMITATIONS HATS The black hat is used to identify limitations. What is wrong with this? Will this work? Is it safe? Can it be done? FEELINGS HAT The red hat is used to explain feelings. How do I feel about this? What do I like about this idea? What don’t I like about this? BENEFITS HAT The yellow hat is used for identifying benefits. What are the good points? Why can this be done? Why is this a good thing? THINKING HAT The blue hat is used for justifying a decision or course of action. What thinking is needed? Where are we now? What is the next step? CREATIVITY HAT The green hat is used for generating new ideas, products or ways of viewing things. What new ideas are possible? What is my suggestion? Can I create something new?
Thinking Maps There are 8 Thinking Hats and they are used to help us organise and structure our thinking.
Thinking Keys There are 20 Thinking Keys and they are activities that challenge and extend our thinking.