LaBr3 Ball at HIE-ISOLDE On behalf of Dr Ushasi Datta Pramanik
(SHIBA) Saha-HIE-ISOLDE Big LaBr2 Array or SSIMBA *High efficiency, high energy photon spectrometer Original contribution at ISOLDE-CERN Unique photon spectrometer in the world FAST timing, Good energy resolution, high efficiency Upto 20 MeV ~50% efficiency for full array Space required for array 2.5mx3.5 m SINP can provide ~40% of total array at present i.e. ~20% efficiency (secured funds) Silicon strip array (BARC+Madrid+SINP+……….) Wide range of physics problem of exotic nuclei can be address Welcome to other groups
Detector and Test bench @SINP Big crystal size LaBr3 detectors : Dimension: 7.6 cm (dia) 15cm (length))
Response of different LaBr3(Ce) detectors for 60Co Energy spectra for 2 Medium-size LaBr3 crystal in coincidence Time resolution σt ~ 140 ps Corresponding TAC signal Big size detectors FWHM @ 2MeV NaI 8 % BGO 6 % LaBr3 2 % Time resolution 15cm LaBr3 σt ~ 225 ps
LaBr3 array at HIE-ISOLDE LaBr3 scintillator array of 15cm long crystal ε ≈ 20% @ E~10-20 MeV, dE~1%, t~ 225 ps (tested at lab.) Easy to move and be used at decay station Independently or in combination with Miniball.
Physics with SHIBA Can explore novel phenomena and properties of exotic nuclei Study of Unbound states and coupling to the continuum. Pygmy resonances Life time of exotic states, exotic shapes, cluster states, single particle states, etc. Astrophysical (n,γ), (p,γ) REACTION CROSS –SECTIONS measurements. At the decay station in combination with charged particle and neutron detector. Studies of proton or alpha / gamma width of states near particle threshold relevant for astrophysics.