Poltergeists of Petoskey John Kause Michigan Chillers Poltergeists of Petoskey John Kause
Characters Adrian and Alexis are 12 year old twins who moved to an old farmhouse with their parents in Petoskey, Michigan. Catherine and Caleb are 12 years old. They are brother and sister and they are the ghosts that live in the house with Adrian and Alexis. Robert is the poltergeist ghost who lives in the cellar of Alexis and Adrians house. Robert is blue and can look mean. He can also change to look like a man and be nice.
Settings! This book takes place in a 100 year old farmhouse in Petoskey, Michigan that no one has lived in for a long time. This is the house that Alexis, Adrian, their parents and the 3 ghosts live in.
Problem The problem in this book is Caleb and Catherine have to help find a new home for Robert before midnight because Alexis turned into a ghost and that’s the only way to change her back.
Major Events Adrian and Alexis moved into an old farmhouse in Petoskey, Michigan. During the night, they hear footsteps, cupboards slamming shut and whenever Alexis would go downstairs to get a drink of water, her glass would fill up after she set it down on the counter. Alexis heard voices calling her name one night outside. She woke up Adrian and they looked out in the yard and saw two blue ghosts (a boy and a girl).
Major Events The ghosts named Caleb and Catherine told Adrian and Alexis that they need help getting rid of the poltergeist ghost in their cellar because he stole their home which is also Adrian and Alexis’s home. Caleb and Catherine told Alexis and Adrian not to go into the cellar. Alexis did and turned into a ghost.
Major Events In order for Alexis to turn back to a human, they had to find a new house without a ghost living there for Robert to haunt before midnight. They found Mr.Martins house down the road without a ghost in it with only one minute left. Robert moved in and Alexis changed back to a human.
Poltergeist of petoskey