Community Volunteering Learning Goals Students will be able to explain the importance of community volunteering with a focus on our community. Students will participate in the Maun Valley Citizens listening campaign by completing and returning the survey
Discuss what a community is? What community volunteering is? In your pairs; Discuss what a community is? What community volunteering is? Give examples of community volunteering. THINK about: Our school and The wider community
Absolutely not Definitely yes Do you think community volunteering is important to the running of a successful society? Place yourself on the opinion line **Remember you will need to justify your point of you** Absolutely not Definitely yes Watch Me (first 2mins 20 secs)
What can you get involved in at All Saints? All this week you will be hearing from the various teams at All Saints you can join to help make a difference in our community. Can you name each team? Can you explain what they do?
All Saints volunteering Our Chaplaincy Team is open to all students at the Academy, we meet by-weekly to plan liturgies, activates and fundraising ideas. The Chaplaincy Team is split into three groups- Prayer, Publicity and Projects. This year the team will be commissioned by our Parish Priest, Fr Frank Higgins during one of our weekly Friday masses, where they will be presented with their Chaplaincy Team badge which is to be worn on their blazers. WANT TO JOIN???? SEE VICKI The Student Council is a group of students from all years who meet once a week to discuss opportunities at All Saints’. Our main aim is to listen to all students and make positive changes that benefit you. The Student Council looks at 5 areas: Learning Experience Community and Fundraising Student Health and Wellbeing Catering Catholicity WHAT TO JOIN???ATTEND PA3 ON A MONDAY AT TUTOR TIME, MEETINGS START ON MONDAY 25th SEPTEMBER.
All Saints volunteering Maun Valley Citizens are the part of the student council that links with the wider community. We are part of an community group that involves other organisations; schools, churches, businesses and charities to name but a few. We come together to establish a need in the community and work together to achieve our goal. This team help present a real opportunity to get out into the wider community. WHAT TO JOIN???ATTEND PA3 ON A MONDAY AT TUTOR TIME, MEETINGS START ON MONDAY 25th SEPTEMBER Eco Warriors – our focus is all things related to the environment. Last year we had a focus on energy usage and monitored the schools carbon footprint, we also started to develop a school garden and built seed boxes to sell and raise money for the garden. We have already gained the Eco Silver award through our work. We are now aiming to get full Eco Green Flag statu. WHAT TO JOIN??? ATTEND S4 ON A TUESDAY AT TUTOR TIME, MEETINGS START ON TUESDAY 26th SEPTEMBER.
Maun Valley Citizens Listening Campaign Key Terms A Listening Campaign is a focused effort to build community and identify concerns and priorities in a specific neighbourhood/workplace or organisation. Prejudice – an unfavourable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason. Discrimination - the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex Hate Crime - a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence Last year after carrying out research the Maun Valley team recognised a need for a greater focus on discrimination and prejudice within our community. This now leads to our listening campaign.
This is an opportunity to have your say. Please complete the survey, it is anonymous so please be honest in your answering. REMEMBER IF YOU HAVE EVER BEEN THE VICTIM OF, OR HAVE EVER WITNESSED, SOMETHING LIKE THIS YOU MUST REPORT IT STRAIGHT AWAY. The Maun Valley team will be working on this throughout the year and will update you on their progress.
Can you name 5 reasons community volunteering is important?