ETYMOLOGICAL DEFINITION The Hebrew word for covenant is berit which could mean various things, “Shackle”, “Cut”. It came to mean a form of binding agreement between people and the god.
BIBLICAL USAGE OF BERIT “The term berit expresses the solemn contract between Jacob and Laban (Gen 31:44) . The alliance of friendship between David and Jonathan (Sam 18:3).
The peace pact between Abraham and the tribes of the Amorites (Gen 14:13). The bondage of marriage in Proverbs 2:17 and Malachi 2:14. A solemn treaty between Kings, as in the case of Solomon and Hiram of Tire 1Kings 5. Special alliance between Yahweh and Israel.
IMPORTANCE OF THE SINAI COVENANT Most Israelite prophets echoed many of the covenant ideals. The post-exilic reforms of Ezra the scribe (458- 400 BC) were centered on a covenant renewal. It provided a framework of understanding God’s earlier promises to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
It gives the whole Pentateuch its character as Torah or instruction. The covenant becomes the standard to judge Israel’s national success or failure. It was used as the measuring stick for the Kings of Israel (Samuel and Kings). It shapes the thought of Deuteronomy in interpreting the story of Israel.
CHARACTERISTICS OF YAHWEH’S COVENANT AND ISRAEL People bound to a covenant with Yahweh. God has made his love and mercy known to them. He has given them the Commandments. The people owe him worship, fidelity and obedience. The people are marked by the sign of the covenant – circumcision.
RESULTS OF THE COVENANT Unity based on one God. God pledges to be Israel’s personal protector and helper. God would be present at all times and situations. Yahweh demands undivided loyalty. Some people fell short of the demands of the covenant. Was the idea of a covenant unique to Israel?
TYPES OF ANCIENT COVENANTS There were two types of treats/covenants. 1. Parity Treaty: This was made between equal kings. 2. Vassal Treaty: This was made between an overlord/major power and the subdued/ conquered nations.
THE STRUCTURE OF A COVENANT P.148 0F A HITTITE COVENANT. 1. The Preamble: Name and Title. 2. The Historical prologue: Report of previous good deeds. 3. The Stipulations/Demands 4. Deposit of the treaty in a Temple. 5. The list of witnesses: gods. 6. The curses and Blessings: end the Treaty.
ISRAELITE COVENANT Similarities 1. Preamble: God gives his name, reasons (Ex19:3-6, 20:2). 2. Stipulations/Demands: Ten Commandments (Ex 20: 3-17)/Covenant code (Ex 20:22 to chapter 23:19). 3. The Deposit of the Treaty: tablets used for a permanent record. 4. Curses and Blessings: Missing.
Scholars have grouped these into 6 groups: THE PENTATEUCH AS LAW Scholars have grouped these into 6 groups: The Law of the Covenant (Ex21-23). The Ten Commandments (Ex 20 and Deut 5). The Cult Commandments (Ex34). Laws on sacrificed and feast days (Lev 1-16). The Holiness Code (Lev 17-26). The Deuteronomist Laws.
1. Case/Caustic Laws: They give condition and penalties. TWO MAJOR TYPES OF LAW 1. Case/Caustic Laws: They give condition and penalties. 2. Apodictic Laws: No case and penalties are stipulated as Ten Commandments. There were similar laws in Hammurabi’s code.