Who Is Wise? James 3:13.


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Presentation transcript:

Who Is Wise? James 3:13

The Wise… James 3:13 Has Good Conduct

The Wise… Proverbs 1:7 Has Good Conduct Fears

The Wise… Has Good Conduct Fears Respects Proverbs 13:1 Ephesians 6:2-3 Has Good Conduct Fears Respects

The Wise… Has Good Conduct Fears Respects Avoids Proverbs 14:16 Matthew 10:28 Has Good Conduct Fears Respects Avoids

The Wise… Has Good Conduct Fears Respects Avoids Listens Proverbs 12:15 Acts 2:14 Acts 2:41 Has Good Conduct Fears Respects Avoids Listens

The Wise… Has Good Conduct Fears Respects Avoids Listens Refrains Proverbs 10:19 1Peter 3:10 Has Good Conduct Fears Respects Avoids Listens Refrains

The Wise… Has Good Conduct Fears Respects Avoids Listens Refrains Wins Proverbs 11:30 Has Good Conduct Fears Respects Avoids Listens Refrains Wins

The Wise… Matthew 7:24-27 James 1:22 Romans 2:13 James 1:25 Matthew 7:21 Has Good Conduct Fears Respects Avoids Listens Refrains Wins Acts

Ecclesiastes 12:13 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.