Safety when using Pokémon Go Animation Competition


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Presentation transcript:

Safety when using Pokémon Go Animation Competition Using Scratch

Your task! Create a short animation (no more than 60 seconds long) in Scratch to educate other Year 5 students about how to stay safe when using Pokémon Go.

What do you think makes a good animation?

A good animation is… Some of my ideas…. Easy to understand Eye-catching Engages the audience Uses clear text and images

What do you need to think about when playing Pokémon Go? There are some useful guides on the web. E.g.: North Yorkshire Police: safe/safer-online/pokemon-go-safety-tips/ NSPCC: children-safe/online-safety/pokemon-go-parents-guide/

Planning your animation Step 1: Think about your story and draw out what will happen using text or simple pictures.

Planning your animation Step 2: Write your algorithm to create your animation. Use your knowledge of Scratch or refer back to the help cards if you’re not sure what to write.