By: michelle Mrs anderson 4th All About Blue Whales! By: michelle Mrs anderson 4th
All About Blue Whales! Whales are huge swimming mammals. They spend their whole lives in the ocean. Did you know that there are 83 different species of whale.
What Kind of Animal Is a Blue Whales! A vertebrate is an animal that has a backbone. An invertebrate is an animal that does not have a backbone. Blue Whale is a vertebrate.____________ ___.
Where a Blue Whales Lives A blue Whale lives in the ocean. it an aquatic habitat.
What a Blue Whales Likes To Eat A blue whale eats tiny foods. It eats tiny shrimps called krill. My animal is a herbivore.
A Blue Whale’sEarly Stages of Life Blue Whales live in family groups of about two or three ,called pods .did you know that the mother whale usually has only one baby , which is as long as two-story house is tall. My blue whale is named a calf when he/she is a baby. It stays with his/she mother until it is eight months.
How a Blue Whales Survives Blue Whales some whales don’t have enemies. Sometimes killer whales, called orcas ,many threaten a young blue whale calf.
More Interesting Facts About Blue Whales There are many animals that are in danger right know and blue whales are one of them. So try to help so there would not be anymore animals in danger.