The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Relating Mendelism to Chromosomes Sex Chromosomes Errors and Exceptions to Chromosomal Inheritance
Relating Medelism to Chromosomes Mendelian inheritance has its physical basis in the behavior of chromosomes during sexual life cycles Morgan traced a gene to a specific chromosome The importance of fruitflies Discovery of sex linkage
Sex Chromosomes Chromosomal basis of sex varies with the type of organism Sex is determined by the presence or absence of special chromosomes Humans: XX= female XY = male
Sex Chromosomes Have a unique pattern of inheritance 1) X-inactivation-formation of Barr Bodies 2) Sex-linked disorders in humans- hemophilia and color blindness
Errors and Exceptions in Chromosomal Inheritance Changes in chromosome number aneuploidy and polyploidy Changes in chromosome structure deletions, duplications, translocations, and inversions
Human Chromosomal Disorders Sex Chromosome Disorders: Klinefelters, Turners, extra Y, triple-X syndromes Autosomal: Down (21), Patau (13) Edwards (18) syndromes
Phenotype and Gene Source Some phenotypes are dependent upon parental source Genomic imprinting Fragile X syndrome