Create Your Physical Map of Latin America Follow the instructions your teacher gives you. Listen very carefully and then if you have questions, raise your hand. Be very thorough in your work! 30 _____pts. For labeling all the features _____pts. For coloring your map like a physical map. 10
1 1 Rivers: Paraguay Parana Amazon Orinoco Negro Coastal Features: Cape Horn Strait of Magellan Tierra del Fuego Brazilian Highlands Mountain/Regions: Amazon Basin Guiana Highlands Patagonia Pampas Llanos Chaco Atacama Desert Central Plateau Sierra Madre Occidental Sierra Madre Oriental Yucatan Peninsula Mount Aconcagua Water Bodies: Caribbean Sea Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Rio de la Plata Lake Titicaca Islands: Caribbean Islands Galapagos Islands Falkland Islands 1 1
Organize Your Features- By Impact On Life In Latin America Rank the 10 features you think have the most impact on life in Latin America (1=most, 10=least) For those 10, write a reason as to how it might impact life. For example- 1. Mississippi River: it brings imports and exports up/down the center part of the U.S. Panama Canal
31 Features Total 4 Coastal Features: Cape Horn Strait of Magellan Tierra del Fuego Brazilian Highlands 5 Rivers: Paraguay Parana Amazon Orinoco Negro 14 Mountain/Regions: Amazon Basin Guiana Highlands Patagonia Pampas Llanos Chaco Atacama Desert Central Plateau Sierra Madre Occidental Sierra Madre Oriental Yucatan Peninsula Mount Aconcagua Selvas Andes Mountains 5 Water Bodies: Caribbean Sea Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Rio de la Plata Lake Titicaca 3 Islands: Caribbean Islands Galapagos Islands Falkland Islands 31 Features Total