Aim Introduce fundamentals of video Production and editing
Why do we need to study this? As prescribed in the Basic Education Curriculum, basic life skills for a digital world should be taught in schools to help the students function in a knowledge-based economy and information-enriched society.
Digital Video Fundamentals
ANALOG A signal in which some feature increases and decreases in the same way as the thing being transmitted. In am radio, for example, the strength of the radio wave goes up and down in analogy with the loudness of the original sound.
DIGITAL A signal in which the original information is converted into a string of bits before being transmitted. A radio signal, for example, will be either on or off. Digital signals can be sent for longdistances and suffer less interference than analog signals.
NTSC named for the National Television System Committee is the analog television system that is used in most of North America, parts of South America, Myanmar, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, and some Pacific island nations and territories.
Most countries using the NTSC standard, as well as those using other analog television standards, are switching to newer digital television standards, of which at least four different ones are in use around the world. North America, parts of Central America, and South Korea are adopting the ATSC standards, while other countries are adopting or have adopted other standards.
The ATSC standards were developed in the early 1990s by the Grand Alliance, a consortium of electronics and telecommunications companies that assembled to develop a specification for what is now known as HDTV.
PAL (Phase Alternate Line) It is the dominant format in the World for analog television broadcasting and video display and is based on a 625 line, 50 field/25 fps, 50HZ system. The signal is interlaced, like NTSC into two fields, composed of 312 lines each. Note: Brazil uses a variant of PAL, which is referred to as PAL-M. PAL-M uses 525 lines/60 HZ. PAL-M is compatible with B/W only playback on NTSC format devices.
SECAM Sequential Color with Memory is an analog color television system first used in France. A team led by Henri de France working at Compagnie Française de Télévision (later bought by Thomson, now Technicolor) invented SECAM. It is, historically, the first European color television standard.
DIGITAL VIDEO HARDWARE Hardware-wise, you want to make sure that you have a computer with the fastest CPU, most memory, and largest hard drive that you can get your hands on.
LINEAR video editing post-production process of selecting, arranging and modifying images and sound in a predetermined, ordered sequence. Regardless whether captured by a video camera, tapeless camcorder, recorded in a television studio on a video tape recorder (VTR) the content must be accessed sequentially.
NON-LINEAR a video - (NLVE) or audio editing (NLAE) digital audio workstation (DAW) system which can perform non-destructive editing on the source material. It is named in contrast to 20th century methods of linear video editing and film editing.
EDITING SOFTWARE is application software which handles the post-production video editing of digital video sequences on a computer non-linear editing system (NLE). It has replaced traditional flatbed celluloid film editing tools and analog video tape-to-tape online editing machines.