Bridge-Building and Border-Crossing The collaborative story of an online information literacy tutorial Sonya Betz, Karen Hering, Jody Nelson, and Virginia Pow
Overview Planning and blueprints Materials and structure Crew Construction
What do you hope to learn today? Please take a moment to write down: any questions you hope to have answered or Information you hope this session will provide
Planning and Blueprints
History of MacEwan’s information literacy program Selecting and adapting an online tutorial Curriculum mapping Administrative buy-in
Materials and structure
English at MacEwan Climate of change Opportunities Tutorial re-imagined
Audience poll… Who have you collaborated with in the past? a) Other librarians / library staff in your library b) Outside your library but within your institution c) Other institutions / organizations
How To Vote via Texting 1.Standard texting rates only (worst case US $0.20) 2.We have no access to your phone number 3.Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling do TIPS EXAMPLE
Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.
Audience… Share your best experience with your neighbour/s Best of (share the best of what you just heard)
English at the University of Alberta Adaptation Collaboration
Ideas for potential collaborative projects? Possible bridge-building partners? #librarybridge Text messaging: Tweet it!
Collaboration tweets! © SAP 2009 / Page 16
(Under) Construction!
Modular components Learning outcomes Creating and sharing
Questions? What did you hope to learn? Review...
Thank You! Sonya Betz, MacEwan University, Karen Hering, MacEwan University, Jody Nelson, MacEwan University, Virginia Pow, University of Alberta,