Cooperation of Bogomolets National Medical University with Educational, Research and Medical Institutions of The People's Republic Of China
Beginning of Cooperation In August 2013, bilateral Memorandum of Understanding in academic cooperation was signed between Bogomolets National Medical University (NMU) and Health Department of the Gansu Province (China). In October 2013 Agreement for International Cooperation was signed between NMU and Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Agreement concerned collaboration in the field of education and professional advanced training, postgraduate education, research of the academic faculty, PhD and undergraduate students.
Key Areas of Cooperation Bilateral academic exchange of faculty members, researchers, students and doctors in order to improve their professional competence; Conducting of academic programmes, courses, workshops, scientific conferences and other kinds of knowledge exchange between two institutions; Exchange of academic literature, textbooks, University publications and periodicals; Implementation of joint academic, scientific and practical medical projects; Exchange of specific knowledge and programmes in the fields of mutual interest; Introduction and implementation of joint programmes of scientific supervision in developing Master and PhD theses.
Internship of the NMU Young Scientists at the Universities and Hospitals of China In March 2014, 11 young specialists from NMU went for internship in the basics of traditional Chinese medicine to the Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and hospitals of the Gansu province. From that time, each year approx. 10 faculty members of NMU take internship in traditional Chinese medicine in various fields (neurology, gynecology, pharmacotherapy etc.) at the leading hospitals of the Gansu province
Lectures of Chinese Specialists at the NMU Annually, Chinese professors perform lecture courses for the faculty and students at the NMU. Particularly, Dr. ZHANG ZHIMING presented a lecture “Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, Prof. LI YINGDONG - «Place of the Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Western Medicine”, Dr. WEI QINGLIN - «Peculiarities and Clinical Application of the Acupuncture according to the Methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, Dr. WANG GANG - «The Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Rheumatism and Joint Diseases».
Lectures of Chinese Specialist at the NMU Representatives of the Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has conducted the following trainings and workshops at the clinical bases of NMU: Training “Principles of Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine” and “Principles and Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Pediatrics” at the Ukrainian training center of family medicine of NMU.
Advanced Training of Dentists, Neurologists and Chief Doctors of the Chinese Hospitals at the Clinical Departments of NMU Each year 10-15 doctors from different hospitals of the Gansu province undergo course of advanced professional training at various departments of NMU (dentistry, neurology etc.).
Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Ci Huan” In October 2013, at the NMU Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Ci Huan” was opened. In the frame of the opening of the Institute international educational workshop in basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine was conducted by professors of the Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
PhD student of NMU – the best! For the first time in the history of our state PhD student of NMU Siui Yao was conferred an award of the Chinese Government in the nomination “Best Chinese PhD student studying abroad - 2013” – the only one in Ukraine among 489 PhD students from 25 countries of the world.
Key Prospects of Cooperation Establishment of joint scientific and practical journal in the issues of integrative medicine; Establishment and implementation of joint courses of integrative medicine and pharmacognosy; Expanding of collaboration with Chinese medical universities, launching of joint academic, research and practical projects; Launching of projects in telemedicine; Development of medical tourism and rehabilitation medicine.