Dr. Melissa Shields, NBCT (2000 & 2010) ALSDE, Office of Student Learning mshields@alsde.edu @mjshields Feel free to use this ATLAS logo as needed.
Agenda Introductions ATLAS Overview ATLAS Walk-Through and Hands-On Activities Case Page Searching Save Groups Resources Advanced Search Help Center Questions, Reflections, Share-Out
Your current role and organization What you know about ATLAS What you are hoping to learn today
What is ATLAS? A searchable library of more than 1,000 cases showing accomplished teachers at work in the classroom.
Where do ATLAS cases come from? ATLAS cases show NBCTs at work in their classrooms and are submitted as part of certification. All materials submitted by the teacher undergo a valid, reliable review process. All cases in the library have scored a 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. These cases, authentic and unedited, form the basis of ATLAS.
What makes up an ATLAS Case? Each case includes: A video of NBCTs engaging their students in active learning. A commentary written by the NBCT including the instructional context and background of the students; planning and instruction decisions; analysis of the video; and reflection on teaching effectiveness and student learning. Instructional materials relating to the case (e.g. student work samples, classroom layout, etc.). More than just the video!
Frameworks and Standards Collections Currently available in the ATLAS library: Common Core State Standards – Math, ELA, & Literacy Deeper Learning Competencies edTPA High-Leverage Practices National Board Standards C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards Next Generation Science Standards InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards
Overview of the ATLAS Tagging Process For each framework or set of standards, we convened NBCTs and experts in those field to do the work. Through a model of professional consensus building, the taggers created a body of tags based of the framework or standards. Taggers apply the tags only to good examples of that standard or practice in action. Taggers provide a rationale to the user for why they applied that tag in that instance.
Finding Cases – Advanced Search Use Advanced Search to further refine your search. Advanced Search filers include Instructional Strategies, School Type, School Setting, and Student Characteristics. The Advanced Search Link is located under the Framework filter on the Cases page. It’s also located to the right of the keyword search box.
Case Page ATLAS Instructors can perform several activities on the case page. You can watch the video, read the teacher's commentary and background information, and review the Instructional Materials associated with the case. You can also review the framework tags that have been applied to the case, if provided. Instructors can also: 1. Download the teacher's commentary. 2. Add a note to the video, teacher's commentary, and instructional materials. 3. Add framework tags.
Saving Cases Saved cases are accessible under your name on the My Saved Cases page. Cases saved to a group can be found on that Groups page. Access your Groups under your name. For detailed instructions on how to organize cases, visit the ATLAS Help Center.
Help Button Click on the Help button located in the lower right of every ATLAS page to search for Help articles or to ask the ATLAS team a question.
https://atlas.nbpts.org ATLAS Walk-Through 5CPS – common organizer. Demo: Home, Search Case, Case Page, Advanced Search, ATLAS Resources, My ATLAS/ Groups https://atlas.nbpts.org
Share Out How you plan to use ATLAS in your work? What kinds of cases do you need to do this work? What questions do you still have? What are your next steps after you leave today?
Contact Info Your Regional Inservice Center Director (especially for instructor rights) ALSDE Regional Coordinator, Regions 3 & 5 Dr. Melissa Shields mshields@alsde.edu Twitter: @mjshields NBPTS Caitlin Wilson cwilson@nbpts.org Marcia Foster mfoster@nbpts.org NBPTS Twitter: @NBPTS Nt3 Districts/Schools LaTonya Barnes latonyabarnesnt3@gmail.com Twitter: @LaTonyaBarnesAL