What Are we Learning Today? To learn about famous pirates To think about life in the past To write a report based on facts
What I am Looking For Good thinking – lots of good ideas Good co-operation with your partner Good writing
Captain Blackbeard ‘Blackbeard’ was his nickname – his real name was probably Edward Teach He lived about three hundred years ago He is the most famous real pirate He was very strong and very fierce He was married fourteen times
Captain Blackbeard He was cruel to his own men – he once shot one of his best friends, Israel Hands, in the knee just for fun! He wore plaits in his hair so it looked like snakes were crawling on him. He twisted smoking rope into his beard to make him look even more scary.
Captain Blackbeard He carried three pairs of pistols and a belt of daggers and cutlasses The reward for catching him was once £100 Lieutenant Maynard caught up with Blackbeard and they had a big battle Blackbeard was shot five times and cut by a sword twenty times, before Maynard chopped his head off and tied it to his ship
Sir Henry Morgan Henry Morgan came from Wales He was a pirate before Blackbeard He started off attacking the Spanish for King Charles II – and King Charles was very pleased with what he did! Morgan was a good soldier but a hopeless sailor – he kept wrecking his ships. One ship ran aground and sank, another blew up.
Black Bart Black Bart’s real name was Bartholomew Roberts He was a pirate at about the same time as Blackbeard He came from Wales He was religious and wouldn’t fight on a Sunday He stole from 400 ships He was a pirate for less than three years – only a little bit longer than Blackbeard
Calico Jack Calico Jack had this nickname because of what his shirts were made from! He was famous for wearing very fancy clothes and being very handsome. His real name was Jack Rackham He is famous for having two famous girl pirates on his ship When the navy caught up with him, Calico Jack gave up without a fight and was hung. Anne Bonny thought he was a big wuss!
Anne Bonny Anne Bonny was Calico Jack’s girlfriend She left Ireland when she was a little girl She ran away from home to be a pirate Mary and Anne were very brave when they were caught and fought on when others gave up No-one knows what happened to her. When Calico Jack, Anne and her friend Mary were caught, Anne was put in prison and vanished from history….
Mary Read Mary grew up pretending to be a boy She was working as a manservant when she ran away to be a soldier in the French army She was captured by pirates with a woman pirate, Anne Bonny. They became friends and Mary decided to join them Mary died in prison