Week 01 Parts of Speech
Foldables: What and where are they, and what should you do with them? Tuesday: Vocabulary Foldables: What and where are they, and what should you do with them? What information will each slide contain?
Vocabulary Coercion NOUN the practice of persuading something to do something by using force or threats My brother used coercion to get me to do his homework by threatening to tell my parents I snuck out. Samantha, my little sister, coerced our other brother into making her a snack by pretending he had pinched her.
Vocabulary Consolation NOUN comfort received by a person after a loss or disappointment Since I am a Pirates fan, I often need consolation during baseball season. The Patriots fan was no good at consoling their sad friend the Falcons fan.
Vocabulary Symbiotic ADJECTIVE (ADJ) type of relationship in which both parties benefit from the association In 21 Jump Street, the jock and the brain had a symbiotic relationship that got both through the academy. My relationship with Mrs. Flook is symbiotic: we provide each other with food and consolation when we’re frustrated.
Vocabulary Revelation NOUN surprising or previously unknown fact The man’s love of Broadway musicals was a bit of a revelation for his wife. Most students think it is a revelation that I like Enemin’s music, but I am from Michigan!
Vocabulary Decimate VERB kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage of I hate fire ants and will decimate their nest when I find it. Sparty, our Boston Terrier, decimates any squeaky toy within minutes.
Wednesday: Parts of Speech Noun: names a person, place, thing, or idea. Pronoun: replaces noun in sentence (I, you, he, she, we, they, etc.). Adjective: Modifies (describes) a noun or pronoun. Verb: names the action taken by a noun. Adverb: modifies (describes) a verb, another adverb, or an adjective. Conjunction: joins together different clauses within a sentence. Preposition: describes where, when Interjection: expresses emotion; rarely used in academic writing
Examples of each Nouns: table, Mr. Sullivan, school, Catholism Pronouns: he, she, they, we, you, I, us, them, y’all Adjectives: brown, short, big, inspiring Verbs: walk, run, sleep, think, love Being Verbs: am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been Adverbs: slowly, quickly, deeply, painfully, completely Conjunctions: and, but, however Prepositions: under, above, out, in, on, around Interjections: Crap! Shoot! GAAAHHH!!!
Thursday: Practice of Skill Practice may be done on paper or on Quizizz. Depends on the week This week, we are practicing on paper. Skill practice can utilize notes, but not classmates. Practice should be handed in to box when completed; transition to independent reading unless otherwise instructed. Practice is worth points.
Friday: Quiz Weekly quizzes will be taken either on paper or on Quizizz. This week the quiz will be on paper. Students should have nothing out except a writing utensil (pen is fine- no neon). When completed, turn quiz in to box and transition to IR. Talking during quizzes is an automatic zero.