RADIATION PROTECTION The purpose of radiation protection is to reduce the radiation exposure to staff, patients, and public as much as possible while still maintaining image quality.
Radiation protection principles Justification of practices principle. Optimization of protection principle. Limitation of individual doses principle. Yazeed al-ashban
Radiation protection principles 1.Justification:- Any exam that involves ionizing radiation is 'justified'. We will do it only if the benefit is greater than the risk. 2. Optimization:- This means keeping exposure as low as reasonably achievable. 3. Limitation: radiation dose limits for each population group should not be exceeded
As Low As Reasonably Achievable ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable This means radiation exposure should be limited as much as possible keeping in mind the risk-benefit relation of radiation. For example, it is unreasonable to refuse an x-ray after a bone fracture because this may shorten your life expectancy by one day. The benefits of the x-ray with its diagnostic value by far outweigh the risk associated with the radiation exposure.
Reduction of radiation dose to the stuff The three methods of reducing the exposure of the staff are to:- 1) Reduce time. 2) Increase distance. 3) Increase shielding.
1) Reduce time. The less time that people are exposed to a radiation source, the less the absorbed dose
2) Increase distance. The farther away that people are from a radiation source, the less the absorbed dose
3) Increase shielding. Increased shielding reduces the exposure of the staff, lead apron protect vital organs.
Reduction of radiation dose to the Patient To reduce the dose to patients, the radiographer should use:- Increased kV. Lower mAs. Faster film/screen combinations. Decreased exposure time. Careful positioning. Good communication with patient
The 10 – days Rule (All the married women in the fertilizing period (13-45) years old are not exposed to radiation in abdomen or pelvis after the first 10- days from the beginning of the menstrual period)
Radiation Protection Accessories 1- lead apron
Radiation Protection Accessories 2-Lead glasses
Radiation Protection Accessories 3-Lead gloves
Radiation Protection Accessories 4-Face shield
Radiation Protection Accessories 5-Protective shield
Radiation Protection Accessories 6-Cassette holder