Currently there are two systems of education in Poland Currently there are two systems of education in Poland. This is caused by the reforms which reintroduced a two-stage school system which was scrapped in 1999.
PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION It is the first level of education and concerns children from 3-6 years of age. It isn’t obligatory. Kindergartens serve as care and education institution. They provide care when parents are at work and intellectual development.
Old educational system – primary school New educational system - primary school Six-year-old children are obliged to attend “0” class which prepares them for school attendance. Children attend primary school when they are 6-12 years old. There are 6 classes in primary school. In Poland students get marks from 1 to 6. During first, second and third classes there is no clear division between subjects. Most of subjects are taught by one teacher. Only such subjects as foreign language, Religious Education and sometimes Physical Education, IT, Art and Music are taught by specialized teachers. Foreign language is compulsory from the first class. After that children go to the fourth class and start the second cycle which offers a subject-based teaching. Subjects are taught by different teachers. Students start learning History and Science. Every class has got a form teacher (he/she teaches one of the subjects) who helps students with different educational matters, solves conflicts between them and organizes school trips. From September 2017 primary school is extended from 6 to 8 years. Learners who were in 6th grade started 7th grade of primary school. Students start learning second foreign language in 7th grade. The subject Science is divided into four subjects: Biology, Geography, Chemistry and Physics in 7th grade, too. At the end of primary school there will be the same examination as in lower secondary school.
Old educational system - lower secondary school New educational school – lower secondary school Pupils learn at this school 3 years (they are 13-15). Education in this school is also obligatory. Students start learning second foreign language in the first grade. The subject Science is divided into four subjects: Biology, Geography, Chemistry and Physics.The education in this school ends with written examination consisting of three parts: the humianities (questions on Polish literature, history and social studies), Maths and Science (questions on Maths, Biology, Geography, Physics and Chemistry) and foreign language. Lower secondary school will be gradually phased out with the last classes completing their education in 2018/2019.
New educational system – secondary school Old educational system – secondary school After passing the exam students go to secondary school. There are three types of them: - high school – where students prepared to enter a university; at the end of this school students pass school leaving examination (3 years) - technical school – except for the subjects like Science, languages, Polish, learners study technical subjects like electronics, mechanics, computer technologies; at the end of this school students pass school leaving examination and get a vocational certification (4 years) - vocational school – students get a diploma confirming vocational qualifications in a given profession (3 years) leaving examination (4 years) certification (5 years)
After secondary and technical school students can begin advanced studies. They last 5 years. At the end of studies students write the graduate’s work. Students get Master degree. There are colleges, universities and polytechnics. The oldest university in Poland is Jagiellonian University.