BACKGROUND Pragmatics??? The study of contextual meaning communicated by a speaker or writer and interpreted by the listener or reader (Yule, 1996, p. 3)
Cooperative Principle BACKGROUND Cooperative Principle “Make your contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of talk exchange in which you are engaged.” (Grice, 1975, p. 45)
Conversational Maxims Maxim of Quantity make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of the exchange: do not make your contribution more informative than is required. Maxim of Quality do not say what you believe to be false: do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. Maxim of Relevance be relevant. Maxim of Manner avoid obscurity of expression; avoid ambiguity; be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity); be orderly.
Sarah : “Did you enjoy the party last night Sarah : “Did you enjoy the party last night?” Anna : “There were plenty of oriental food on the table. Lots of flowers all over the place, and people hanging around chatting with each other.”
Violation of Maxims When the speaker does not fulfill or obey the maxims, the speaker is said to ‘violate’ them (Cutting, 2002, p. 40)
FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEMS What Conversational maxims are violated in Clinton – Sanders Democratic Candidates Debate? What is the implication of the violated maxims in Clinton – Sanders Democratic Candidates Debate?
AIMS OF THE RESEARCH To know what maxims that are violated The implication of the violated maxims
Qualitative Content Analysis RESEARCH METHOD Qualitative Content Analysis
RESEARCH FINDINGS Topics Violated Maxims Quantity Quality Relevance Manner Toxic Water 4 utterences 1 utterence 2 utterences Job Crisis 3 utterences Crime Racial Issue 6 utterences 1 utterences Education 5 utterences Environment 26 utterences 12 utterences 10 utterences
DISCUSSION Emphasizing Arguments (Maxim of Quantity and Manner) Asserting Reliable Source of Information (Maxim of Quantity and Relevance) Avoidance as a Strategy (Maxim of Quality and Relevance) Humorous Image (Maxim of Quality)
Emphasizing Arguments DISCUSSION Emphasizing Arguments Maxim of Quantity: DL : Anderson, thank you very much. Secretary Clinton, tonight you call for the resignation, or for Governor Snyder to be recalled. There are residents of this city who want to see criminal charges brought against those who are responsible. Do you think people should go to jail? HC : Well, that’s going to be up to the legal system, Don. I mean, I can’t standing here — I don’t have all the facts, but people should be held accountable wherever that leads. If it leads to resignation, or recall if you’re in political office. DL : Secretary Clinton, do you think people should go to jail? HC : If it leads to civil penalties, if it leads to criminal responsibility. There has to be an absolute accountability,and I will support whatever the outcome of those investigations are. DL : Thank you Secretary. Senator Sanders. Maxim of Manner: AC : What are you going to do to in the United States instead of sending them overseas to other countries? Secretary Clinton? HC : I’m going to do what I think will work which is both carrots and sticks. We’re going to have a very clear set of proposals and incentives for manufacturing so that we change the way that companies think about making investments again in America. I have a comprehensive manufacturing plan that I will be implementing.
Asserting Reliable Source of Information DISCUSSION Asserting Reliable Source of Information Maxim of Quantity: AC : Secretary Clinton. HC : Well, if I — if I could... (APPLAUSE) ... to set the record straight, I voted against the only multinational trade agreement that came before me when I was in the Senate. It was called CAFTA. I came out against the TPP after it was finished. I thought it was reasonable to actually know what was in it before I opposed it. I oppose it, I disagree with it, I’m negative. Maxim of Relevance: AC : Thank you. Senator sanders? BS : Isn’t it tragic that the large multinational corporations making billions of dollars a year, shutting down in America, going to China, going to Mexico? Absolutely they need a handout from the American middle class — I don’t think so. Second of all.... (APPLAUSE)
Avoidance as a Strategy DISCUSSION Avoidance as a Strategy Maxim of Quality: AC : You sent a tweet on Thursday, this is the tweet, I’m showing it to viewers. It says the people of Detroit know the real costs of Hillary Clinton’s free trade policies. It shows pictures of crumbling buildings. It seems like you’re blaming her for the situation in Detroit. BS : Well, I’m blaming the trade policies. You know what? This is an amazing thing which I didn’t know until recently, and I wonder how many people did know this. AC : But, you’re calling them Hillary Clinton’s failed trade policies. BS : Well, Hillary Clinton, and everybody else who supported these disastrous trade policies. She wasn’t alone. We have many, many Republicans and far too many Democrats who supported these disastrous trade policies. Maxim of Relevance: BS : ... Do you know that in 1960 Detroit Michigan was one of the wealthiest cities in America? Flint, Michigan was a prosperous city, but then what happened is corporate America said why do I want to pay somebody in Michigan a living wage when I can pay slave wages in Mexico or China? We’re going to shut down, we’re going to move abroad, we’re going to bring those products back into this country..... (APPLAUSE) AC : Secretary Clinton? HC : You know, if we’re going to argue about the 1990’s instead of talking about the future, which I’d much prefer because I think every election is about the future, and you all deserve to know what we will do to help you have a brighter future
DISCUSSION Humorous Image Maxim of Quality: AC : Senator Sanders, I want to ask you basically the same question. He’s called you a communist, how are you going to... BS : That was one of the nice things that he said about me. (LAUGHTER)
CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS The maxims’ violation has four patterns: emphasizing arguments; asserting reliable source of information; avoidance as a strategy and humorous image. Violating the maxims is considered to be the strategies for each candidate to gain more voters. Suggestions since the scope of analysis in this study does not include another pragmatic analysis, it is expected that the next research will apply more pragmatic analysis such as the maxim observence or politeness. Further researchers are expected to analyze the realization of the violated maxims as the strategy to gain more voters once when one of the candidates are elected as the President of the United State.