Europe Africa Map #1: Asia Map study guide Russia The Pacific Ocean The Red Sea Africa The Arabian Sea Europe The Indian Ocean The Caspian Sea Map #1: Asia Map study guide Russia
Map #1H&CP: Asia Map Study Guide Name: _________________________________________________________________ Period: CP&H ____________ Date: _____________ Map #1H&CP: Asia Map Study Guide Directions: Use the word list below and a computer or a textbook to find a label all the countries in Asia. This map will serve as your answer key and study guide. Eastern Asia (8) China *Hong Kong Japan Mongolia North Korea South Korea Taiwan *Tibet Western Asia/The Middle East (14) Armenia Bahrain Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Saudi Arabia Syria Turkey Qatar United Arab Emirates (UAE) Yemen South East Asia (11) Brunei Burma Cambodia East Timor Indonesia Laos Malaysia The Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam Central Asia (5) Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Southern Asia (8) Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Northern Asia (3) Azerbaijan Georgia Russia (CW) grade: Neatness = 20 pints , Labeling all the countries = 50 points _________________/70
Europe Africa Map #2: Asia Regional Map The Pacific Ocean The Red Sea Africa The Arabian Sea Europe The Indian Ocean The Caspian Sea Map #2: Asia Regional Map
Map #2H&CP: Asia Regional Map Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Period: CP&H ____________ Date: _____________ Map #2H&CP: Asia Regional Map Directions: First look at your study guide, map #1 and label all the countries of Asia. Use the list below to determine what color to color each country. When you are finished you will have a regional map of Asia. Make sure you have this map labeled before you leave class. Eastern Asia: Purple China *Hong Kong Japan Mongolia North Korea South Korea Taiwan *Tibet Western Asia/The Middle East Yellow Armenia Bahrain Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Saudi Arabia Syria Turkey Qatar United Arab Emirates (UAE) Yemen South East Asia: Red Brunei Burma Cambodia East Timor Indonesia Laos Malaysia The Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam Central Asia: Orange Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Southern Asia: Blue Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Northern Asia: Green Azerbaijan Georgia Russia (HW) Grade: Correctness = 20 points, Neatness = 20 points, Counties = 50 points Score: ________/90
Africa Europe Map #3: Asia Physical Map VVVVVVVV The Himalayas
Name: _______________________________________________________________ Period: CP&H ____________ Date: _____________ Map #3CP&H Physical Map Directions: First look at your study guide, map #1 and label all the countries of Asia. Use the list below to complete a rendition of a physical map of Asia. When you are finished this map should resemble a physical map of Asia in your textbook or found on a Google Image search on your computer, “physical map of Asia.” Seas: Label and Color Blue The Arabian Sea The Aral Sea Bay of Bengal The Bering Sea The Caspian Sea The East Sea/Sea of Japan The East China Sea The Persian Gulf The Philippine Sea The Red Sea The South China Sea The Yellow Sea Mountains: Label and Draw The Altai Mts. The Caucasus Mts. The Himalayas The Hindu Kush Mt.Everest K2 Tien Shan The Ural Mountains Deserts: Label and Color Light Brown Arabian Desert The Gobi Desert Indus Valley Desert Thar Desert VVVV Landforms & Features: Dark Green The Arabian Peninsula The Great Wall of China Rivers: Label and Outline with Blue Pen * By length * Yangtze Yellow River Mekong River Indus River Euphrates River Ganges River Tigris River Oceans: Label and Color Dark Blue The Pacific Ocean The Indian Ocean Lakes: Label and Color Light Blue Lake Baykal Lake Balkhash (HW) Grade: Correctness = 20 points, Neatness = 20 points, Counties = 50, Features 36 points Score:_____/126
Europe Africa Map #4CP: Asian Cities The Pacific Ocean The Red Sea Africa The Arabian Sea Europe The Indian Ocean The Caspian Sea Map #4CP: Asian Cities ★
Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Period:CP ____________ Date: _____________ Map #4CP: Asian Cities Directions: First look at your study guide, map #1 and label all the countries of Asia. Use the list below to label the essential cities of the countries we will be focusing on during this unit and into the rest of the school year. Eash capital is indicated with a star, other important cities are indicated with a circle on the map, write the name of cities next to the symbols that indicates their location. These will be on your map tests! Eastern Asia China: Beijing Japan: Tokyo North Korea: P’yongyang South Korea: Seoul Taiwan: Taipei Western Asia/The Middle East Iran: Tehran Iraq: Bagdad Syria: Damascus United Arab Emirates (UAE): Abu Dhabi South East Asia Burma: Rangoon Cambodia: Phnom Penh Indonesia: Jakarta Laos: Vientiane Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur The Philippines: Manila Thailand: Bangkok Vietnam: Hanoi Southern Asia Afghanistan: Kabul India: New Delhi Nepal: Kathmandu Pakistan: Islamabad Northern Asia Russia: Moscow (CW) grade: Neatness = 20 points Labeling all the cities = 22 points, Labeling all the countries = 50 points Score: _________________/92
Europe Africa Map #4H: Asian Cities The Pacific Ocean The Indian Ocean The Red Sea Africa The Arabian Sea Europe The Indian Ocean The Caspian Sea Map #4H: Asian Cities ★ ⬤
Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Period:H ____________ Date: _____________ Map #4H: Asian Cities Directions: First look at your study guide, map #1 and label all the countries of Asia. Use the list below to label the essential cities of the countries we will be focusing on during this unit and into the rest of the school year. Eash capital is indicated with a star, other important cities are indicated with a circle on the map, write the name of cities next to the symbols that indicates their location. These will be on your map tests! Eastern Asia China: Beijing China: Shanghai Japan: Tokyo Japan: Fukushima Japan: Hiroshima Japan: Nagasaki North Korea: P’yongyang South Korea: Seoul Taiwan: Taipei Western Asia/The Middle East (14) Iran: Tehran Iraq: Bagdad Syria: Damascus United Arab Emirates (UAE): Abu Dhabi South East Asia (11) Burma: Rangoon Cambodia: Phnom Penh Indonesia: Jakarta Laos: Vientiane Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur The Philippines: Manila Thailand: Bangkok Vietnam: Hanoi Vietnam: Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) Southern Asia (8) Afghanistan: Kabul India: Agra India: Banglore India: Goa India: Jaipur India: Kolkata (Calcutta) India: Mumbai (Bombay) India: Mysore India: New Delhi India: Varanasi Nepal: Kathmandu Pakistan: Islamabad Northern Asia (3) Russia: Moscow Russia: St. Petersburg (CW) grade: Neatness = 20 points Labeling all the cities = 36 points, Labeling all the countries = 50 points Score: _________________/106
Europe Africa Map #5: Asia Religion Map Key Purple: Traditional The Caspian Sea China Buddhist-18% Christian-5.1% Muslim-1.8% Traditional-21.0% Jewish & Hindu-<1% Taoist-.7% Non-practicing-52.2% Tibet Buddhist-99% Key Purple: Traditional Black: Daoist/Taoist Blue: Jewish Green: Buddhist Orange: Hindu Dark Blue: Christian Red: Islam Brown: Jainism Blue: None/Non-practicing The Red Sea The Pacific Ocean The Arabian Sea Africa The Indian Ocean
Map #5CP&H Asian Religion Map Name: ________________________________________________________________ Period:CP&H ____________ Date: _____________ Map #5CP&H Asian Religion Map Directions: Using your study guide label this map of Asia, write small. When you are finished break the map up in to regions within your group and research the religions of all the countries in Africa using the CIA World Factbook. Use the “select a country” drop down menu and the “people” section determine the religion percentages of each Asian country, see China and Tibet as examples. Write the percentages for each religion and color according to the key. Here are a few things to keep in mind 1. Christian = Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, etc. you might have to add some percentages together like we did for Islam and Muslim are the same thing, and Traditional can be a range of indigenous beliefs. Eastern Asia ✓China *Hong Kong Japan Mongolia North Korea South Korea Taiwan ✓*Tibet Western Asia/The Middle East Armenia Bahrain Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Saudi Arabia Syria Turkey Qatar United Arab Emirates (UAE) Yemen South East Asia Brunei Burma Cambodia East Timor Indonesia Laos Malaysia The Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam Central Asia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Northern Asia Azerbaijan Georgia Russia Southern Asia Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka (CW) grade: Coloring = 30 points, Neatness = 20 points, Labeling the religions = 50 points, Labeling all the countries = 49 points Score_________________/149