LINK 7 Literacy LO: Recognise feelings associated with loneliness (SMSC) Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy) Research independently using ICT (ICT)
Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target) Starter Which is the odd one out and why - Discuss ? Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target)
Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target) Loneliness Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target)
Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target) a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another for example: happy: joyful, elated. Pick one word from the ones you’ve created on your spider diagram and use a thesaurus to find 4 synonyms
Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target) Emotive words Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target) Choose one word now which demonstrates the strongest emotion. Place the word on the continuum (line) below to show whether it is a positive or negative emotion or somewhere in between. As a child places it onto the continuum ask them to explain why they have put it there. Differentiate by asking certain students.
Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target) Rabbit Proof Fence Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target) Western Australia, 1931. Government policy includes taking half-caste children (children whose parents are not the same race) from their Aboriginal mothers and sending them a thousand miles away. Here they become slaves "to save them from themselves.“ Here they will learn to be ‘white’ people, not truly Aboriginal. Molly, Daisy, and Grace (two sisters and a cousin who are 14, 10, and 8) are taken from their parents in this scene. Whilst watching add words to your spider diagram or highlight words that you have already found that apply to the feelings of this clip.
Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target) Emotive Writing You are now going to plan a diary entry from one of the characters perspectives. Mother Child
Think about the words we have used Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target) Think about the words we have used In pairs create a plan for your diary entry What will you write about? Write bullet points or brief sentence to plan what you will write next week. Which words from your spider diagram will you use? Extension tasks: Write the first paragraph using your plan. Peer assess and improve using synonyms
Use of synonyms and varied vocabulary(Literacy target) Plenary 321 3 key words from todays lesson 2 pose two questions to get the answer loneliness 1 sentence to describe your learning