Finish Textile Machine maintenance Textile Finishing Technology SMKN 1 KATAPANG KABUPATEN BANDUNG KELAS XI SEMESTER 1
Di susun Oleh : ASEP RUCHIYAT S, S.Pd Bk Teks Finish Textile Machine maintenance Di susun Oleh : ASEP RUCHIYAT S, S.Pd Bk Teks
Elementary Interest Which Studied. 1.Explaining light cures [of] machine 2. Executing sweeping of machine 3. Executing Iubrication [at] machine 4. Improve;Repairing light damage [of] machine.
Cleaned Basic Dirt cause Oxidation process generating rust. Oxidize is reaction of among/between oxygen with metal of fero upon which the core important
Appliance – appliance cleaner of machine / equipments. 1). air of Kempaan 2). Paintbrush 3). Majun 4). Sweeper of metal of T 5). comb of Injuk.
Cleansers. For organic dirt ( and fat of Oli ) example [of] : spirtus, hydro [of] carbon of clorinat For the korosi example [of] metal : iron materials and steel ( 20 % Naoh + 200 gr / zinc serbuk lt)
Parts of which cleaned presisi / free high correctness facet korosi beauty working normal
Step by step to cleaned Using compatible appliance Determine cleanser Prepare shares to be cleaned To clean part of machine