Nov. 2017 Visualization with 3D CG 3D Digitization Masaki Hayashi
Photogrammetry (break) Today’s contents Laser scanning Photogrammetry (break) Filming session
Laser scanning
Laser scanner Laser beam + Scanning
Range: Very small object (eg. tooth), Middle (eg. Laser scanning Range: Very small object (eg. tooth), Middle (eg. Statue), Very large (eg. ruin, city landscape) + Aerial (Huge area) Output: 3D point cloud x, y, z coordinates + I(intensity) + r, g, b(color) Good point: High accuracy of shape measurement, less error Bad point: No texture or poor texture. Expensive.
Long-range ( 100 m ) TOL (Travel Of Light) Measure the TOL Laser c (m/sec) = 299,792,458 Sensor Lens Object Out Out In In TOL TOL (phase) Pulse modulation Phase modulation (more accurate)
Laser scanning Example video Minolta-Konica Vivid 9i
Laser scanning Some scenes
Photogrammetry method Taking many pictures
Range: Almost same as scanner Small object (eg. vase), Middle (eg. Photogrammetry Range: Almost same as scanner Small object (eg. vase), Middle (eg. Statue), Very large (eg. ruin, city landscape) + Aerial (Huge area) Output: 3D point cloud + Color x, y, z + r, g, b Good point: Texture color is more realistic. Cheap. Bad point: More errors in geometry.
Principle of photogrammetry What the software does first is: To find feature points Uses image processing algorythm to get as much feature points on a given images. Searches the corresponding feature points automatically. Generally, it produces a lot of errors.
Principle of photogrammetry Camera Camera 3D position can be calculated if the camera parameters are known by triangulation Object UNKNOWN VALUES: Camera parameter: x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, AngleOfView Position on the target object: x, y, z ESTIMATION PROCESS: Estimates camera parameter Estimates xyz position of each feature point
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