Introduction to Lime Survey TLC workshop presented by: Julie Rao Office of Institutional Research
Objectives of Workshop Discover what your needs are Show you how to get started in Lime Survey Provide an overview of Lime Survey capabilities How to use different question types Branching capabilities Token tables versus open surveys Provide opportunity for hands on practice Build a community of Lime Survey users Build a community of Lime Survey users
Limitations of Workshop Self taught Lime Survey user Interest in surveys of specific groups Background in survey research Stop me if use terms you don’t understand Have not used analysis tools in Lime Survey Presentation will be posted to IR wiki space for your reference By self taught, a lot of trial & error; had help from students Lime gives me ability to set up who gets the survey but still be anonymous I don’t learn multiple ways of doing things; I do my analysis in SPSS, so I have not explored analysis tools in Lime survey Also means I don’t know a lot about Google survey & how Lime compares Morale of story: Please accept I won’t have all the answers.
Workshop Agenda Introduction & need sharing Overview of Lime Survey capabilities – start to finish How to use different question types Branching capabilities Token tables versus open surveys Exporting data from Lime Survey Hands on practice Will be going back & forth between PP & Lime Survey to demonstrate how to do things. Want to make this work for you, so please stop me to ask specific questions; reserve the right to stop questions to try to preserve time for practice Let’s get started by going around table, introducing self and saying what hope to learn from workshop, if you’ve used web surveys before or if you have used Lime Survey before.
Why it’s worth it for me Ease of exporting data Can set up question names & answer categories in the survey Personalized invitations with URL embedded Reminder wording saved & only goes out to non completers Documentation & user forum There is a larger community of Lime users out there as a resource – do we want to build our own group within Geneseo?
Getting started Wiki -> CIT -> Self Help -> Survey Tools Lime Survey – Getting Started Overview, link to documentation Lime Survey – Creating a Survey Walk through basic survey creation URL to access Lime Survey
Sensory Overload!!! Hierarchy of features organized by level Similar features for each level of survey Survey description appears at top of survey, can also be added to e-mail Has features may not have thought of No one says have to use all capabilities Cadillac compared to Corvair They are there if you need them - nice to grow into them
Types of Lime Survey Questions Commonly Used List (radio) Array Gender Yes/No Multiple Short Text Huge free text Specialized Array (Numbers) Array (Texts) Array (dual scale) Upload files If you did the sample survey I sent, you saw all the different types of questions. Once training is completed, I will give you access to the sample survey. Please make a copy of the survey to have for your use in testing. Can look at different qnn types – I often refer to other surveys Common/Specialized questions types Truly Cadillac of survey software – GPS coordinates. Dazzling display of buttons & features!
Gotchas! Watch out for levels Multiple choice = select all that apply Make sure you are clicking delete question & not Question Group Multiple choice = select all that apply List-radio is generally what want for single response close ended questions In descriptions & e-mails, use HTML coding to maintain paragraphs Only survey owner can set permissions-> you create survey then have students do data entry of questions When loading *.csv file for token table, variable names must be lower case Pro & cons of having similar menu items – when deleting questions sometimes find mouse over delete Question Group icon!! Yikes! Multiple choice = multiple responses <br> for paragraph break Who creates the survey controls the survey permissions; always create the survey then have student worker do data entry of questions. When loading *.csv file for token table, variable names must be lower case – do not capitalize the first letter of the variable name or else the file won’t load.
Using Lime Survey Switch over to software to demonstrate survey setup, icon meanings
Collected Data . . . Now What do I do? Exporting data out of Lime Survey Exploring analysis built ins Demonstrate exporting data into SPSS
Questions? Before we move the hands on portion of our program, do you have questions about anything I covered?
Trying out Lime Survey software Using Lime Survey to set up a web survey