Globaloria Edith K. Pickens Director Secondary Programs January 16, 2014
Globaloria What is Globaloria? An online learning system that focuses on teaching students game making through hands-on, project-based learning. Students learn content of core subjects as they develop online games. Students master: STEM knowledge Digital and computing literacy Higher-order critical thinking Global citizenship skills College and career readiness
Globaloria K-12 blended-learning platform with courses in STEM, computing, game design and coding Globaloria seeks to increase the STEM pipeline of students who earn a Bachelor’s degree. Fewer than 4% of high school graduates complete a STEM degree. By 2018, it is estimated that STEM occupations will account for 8.6 million jobs compared with 7.3 million in 2008.
Globaloria Course Content
Globaloria Uses Industry Standard Tools to Teach Coding to Students
HCS Implementation of Globaloria Huntsville City Schools will begin professional development for teachers in summer, 2014. Professional Development is provided by Globaloria. They also provide mentors for teachers an ongoing support throughout the year. Schools included in this pilot include the Johnson Cluster, Lee Cluster, New Century, and ASFL. Globaloria will be implemented in grades four through twelve.