. F
North and South C.1845
Flipped Learning Compare your facts/statistics with your partner and add any you have missed in a green pen. The North was ‘modern, industrial and egalitarian’ The South was ‘backward, agricultural and planter-dominated’ The North was not ‘modern, industrial and egalitarian’ The South was not ‘backward, agricultural and planter-dominated’
Mark off in your planner
Key Words: Agricultural Industrial Egalitarian Yankee Materialism Good learning: Recall how the northern and southern economies worked Great learning: Explain the similarities and differences between the two economic Even better: Evaluate whether Economic differences were the major cause of division between the North and South c.1845 Key Words: Agricultural Industrial Egalitarian Yankee Materialism
To what extent are the North and South economically different? To a small extent To a large extent Menti-Meter? Write a paragraph justifying your decision, using the facts and statistics from your flipped learning.
The impact of sectional economic differences POLICIES (TARRIFS) P.11 VALUES P.11-12 SETTLEMENT P.11 ECONOMIC DIFFERENCES POPULATION P.11 Could get student to write the issues on colour and stick in the book, bigger the issue bigger the shape LABOUR FORCE P.? WEALTH P.9-10
Assess the validity of this view ‘Economic differences were the major cause of division between the North and South c.1845.’ Assess the validity of this view We are going to look at our first essay based question. We have now covered enough content to answer one! Please open your planner to the ‘Essay: Mark Scheme page’
How essays are marked in A Level History
How is an A Level essay structured? Introduction (At least) 2 paragraphs on the factor in the question (At least) 2 paragraphs on other factors Conclusion On tables with whiteboard pens?
Introduction Define – you need to define any term terms in the question Criteria – what would need to happed for the statement to be true? Judgement – what is your answer to the question? Students independently write an introduction
Main Body Factor in the question Other factors Southern agriculture Northern industry Views on tariffs Differences in type of labour Similarities Moral issue of slavery Constitutional issues States Rights vs. Federal Government Population growth (p.7) Table top essay? Then get students to go around the room and make notes on other findings?
Conclusion Reassert the judgement you made in your introduction. Use ONLY the paragraphs you have written to justify your judgement. Students independently write an introduction
Flipped Learning Read pp.28-20 and then briefly outline what the ‘Louisiana Purchase’ was. Outline what happened during the Missouri Compromise (p.41). Find a map that explains the outcome of the Missouri Compromise (lots on google!). Students independently write an introduction