CariCOF Climate Outlook August-September-October 2017 and November-December 2017 / January 2018 Coordination – CIMH – Dr. Cédric J. Van Meerbeeck Participating territories Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haïti, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico, St. Barth’s, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Maarten/St. Martin, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago and the US Virgin Islands
Regional Climate Outlook Forums CariCOF - FCAC
ASO Rainfall O month lead (ML)
CPT probabilistic ASO rainfall forecast CCA experiments: Predictor is observed SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over June(data source: NOAA ERSSTv3b, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is observed SST over the tropical North Atlantic over June Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over ASO data source: NOAA CPC CFSv2 , July initialisation). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical North Atlantic over ASO Predictor is predicted rainfall totals over the Caribbean over ASO data source: ECHAM4.5 ensemble24, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over ASO data source: NOAA CPC NMME , July initialisation). Besides the major control of ENSO (here represented by Pacific tropical SST anomalies) and tropical north Atlantic SSTs on Caribbean rainfall variability, these experiments take the contrast between Pacific and Caribbean/tropical N Atlantic SSTs into account, as those factors are regarded as the most important drivers of rainfall throughout the Caribbean.
CPT probabilistic ASO Rainfall forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 1 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes:4 Initial :468 Values : 20 Index : 0.229 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 X modes : 5 Used : 426 Stations : 10 Moderate ERSSTv3b Y modes : 8 Y modes : 4 Experiment 2 CCA modes:2 Initial : 468 Index :0.176 90-20W & 30-0N !Limited! Y modes : 2 Experiment 3 CCA modes:3 Index : 0.281 X modes : 3 Fair CFSv2 Experiment 4 Index :0.237 X modes : 4 caricof@ci!Fair!
CPT probabilistic ASO Rainfall forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 5 CCA modes: 3 CCA modes: Initial : 468 Values : 20 Index : 100-40W & 35N-5S X modes : 5 X modes : Used : 424 Stations : 10 ECHAM4.5 Y modes : 5 Y modes : Experiment 6 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes:1 Index :0.273 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 Used : 428 Fair NMME Y modes : 8 Y modes : 1 Experiment 7 CCA modes:2 Index :0.257 90-20W & 30-0N X modes : 7 Y modes :3
NDJ Rainfall 3 month lead (ML)
CPT probabilistic NDJ rainfall forecast CCA experiments: Predictor is observed SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over June(data source: NOAA ERSSTv3b, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is observed SST over the tropical North Atlantic over June Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over NDJ (data source: NOAA CPC CFSv2 , July (initialisation). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical North Atlantic over NDJ Predictor is predicted rainfall totals over the Caribbean over NDJ (data source: ECHAM4.5 ensemble24, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over NDJ (data source: NOAA CPC NMME, July ( initialisation). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical North Atlantic over NDJ.
CPT probabilistic NDJ Rainfall forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 1 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes:2 Initial :468 Values : 20 Index : 0.157 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 Used : 403 Stations : 10 !Limited! ERSSTv3b Y modes : 8 Y modes :3 Experiment 2 Initial : 468 Index : 0.127 90-20W & 30-0N Y modes : 2 Experiment 3 CCA modes:1 Index :0.150 CFSv2 Y modes : 3 Experiment 4 Index :0.137 X modes : 6
CPT probabilistic NDJ Rainfall forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 5 CCA modes: 3 CCA modes: Initial : 468 Values : 20 Index : 100-40W & 35N-5S X modes : 5 X modes : Used : 426 Stations : 10 ECHAM4.5 Y modes : 5 Y modes : Experiment 6 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes:2 Index :0.159 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 X modes : 6 Used : 421 !Limited! NMME Y modes : 8 Y modes :5 Experiment 7 CCA modes:1 Index :0.140 90-20W & 30-0N X modes : 3
CariCOF Objective Rainfall Outlook for the Caribbean (National + Regional Ensemble) August-September-October 2017
CariCOF Objective Rainfall Outlook for the Caribbean (National + Regional Ensemble) November-December 2017 / January 2018
precipitation outlooks
Supporting probabilistic precipitation forecasts Nine data sources (incl. GPCs): IRI multi-model probability forecast (only multi-model forecast that recalibrates & weights the models based on past performance); UK Met Office GCM (UKMO) probability forecast; European Center for Mid-range Weather Forecast GCM (ECMWF) and EUROSIP (multi-model) probability forecasts; APEC Climate Center (APCC) multi=model probability forecasts; WMO Lead Centre for LRF – MME. CFSv2 model MétéoFrance Arpège model. JMA model Environment Canada CMC model Rainfall outlooks are generated next to T2m outlooks (see Appendix). Rainfall tendencies from supporting models and local expertise: SSTs in the Niño region of the Pacific have recently been borderline neutral to weak El Niño conditions (Niño 3.4 SST anomalies around +0.5°C). Most models, suggest temperature anomalies to remain slightly positive by ASO and NDJ, favouring neutral (50-60% confidence) over weak El Niño (around 35% confid.). Compared to previous updates, this means a much decreased chance for El Niño. Tropical North Atlantic (TNA) SSTs east of the Caribbean have warmed significantly, especially near the west African coast, to 0.5-1°C above average. By comparison, SSTs are now 0-0.5°C above avg. in the Caribbean Sea as well as in the TNA north of the islands. Models suggest either sustained positive anomalies, or a gradual return to values close to average in the eastern TNA by NDJ. With ENSO conditions predicted to be warm neutral to borderline weak El Niño, impact on Caribbean rainfall is expected to be limited. However, if El Niño were to strongly manifest, which is unlikely, chances for drier than usual conditions in the southern Caribbean and Guianas would increase. Warm SSTs east of the Caribbean may lead to above-average humidity and atmospheric instability in the wet season, which tilts the odds towards a wetter second half of the wet season, and a more intense peak of the hurricane season. With SSTs remaining above average throughout much of the region, air temperatures are also expected to be warmer than average, but wetter than usual conditions should restrict max temps from beyond well above average.
Probabilistic ASO rainfall forecast map
Probabilistic NDJ rainfall forecast map
MEAN 2m temperature
ASO Temperature O month lead (ML)
CPT probabilistic ASO 2m Temperature forecast CCA experiments: Predictor is observed SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over June (data source: NOAA ERSSTv3b, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is observed SST over the tropical North Atlantic over June. Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over ASO (data source: NOAA CPC CFSv2 , Jul initialisation). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical North Atlantic over ASO. Predictor is predicted T2m over the Caribbean over ASO (data source: ECHAM4.5 ensemble24, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over ASO (data source: NOAA CPC NMME , Jul initialisation).
CPT probabilistic ASO 2m Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 1 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 4 Initial :68 Values : 20 Index : 0.208 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 Used : 45 Stations : 10 Moderate ERSSTv3b Y modes : 8 Experiment 2 Initial : 68 Index : 0.160 90-20W & 30-0N X modes : 7 !Limited! Experiment 3 CCA modes: 3 Index : 0.216 CFSv2 Experiment 4 Index : 0.213 Y modes : 5
CPT probabilistic ASO 2m Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 6 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 3 Initial : 68 Values : 20 Index : 0.295 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 Used : 44 Stations : 10 Fair NMME Y modes : 8 Y modes : 3 Experiment 7 CCA modes: 4 Index : 0.281 90-20W & 30-0N Y modes : 6
NDJ Temperature 3 month lead (ML)
CPT probabilistic NDJ 2m Temperature forecast CCA experiments: Predictor is observed SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over Jun (data source: NOAA ERSSTv3b, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is observed SST over the tropical North Atlantic over Jun. Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over NDJ (data source: NOAA CPC CFSv2 , Jul initialisation). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical North Atlantic over NDJ. Predictor is predicted T2m over the Caribbean over NDJ (data source: ECHAM4.5 ensemble24, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over NDJ (data source: NOAA CPC NMME , Jul initialisation).
CPT probabilistic NDJ 2m Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 1 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 2 Initial :68 Values : 20 Index : 0.159 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 X modes : 6 Used : 43 Stations : 10 !Limited! ERSSTv3b Y modes : 8 Y modes : 5 Experiment 2 Initial : 68 Index : 0.029 90-20W & 30-0N X modes : 3 !Very Limited! Y modes : 7 Experiment 3 Index : 0.161 X modes : 7 CFSv2 Y modes : 6 Experiment 4 Index : 0.134
CPT probabilistic NDJ 2m Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 6 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 2 Initial : 68 Values : 20 Index : 0.212 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 X modes : 5 Used : 43 Stations : 10 Moderate NMME Y modes : 8 Y modes : 3 Experiment 7 CCA modes: 4 Index : 0.153 90-20W & 30-0N X modes : 6 !Limited! Y modes : 5
CariCOF Objective Mean T2m outlook for the Caribbean (National + Regional Ensemble) August - September – October 2017
CariCOF Objective Mean T2m outlook for the Caribbean (National + Regional Ensemble) November - December 2017 / January 2017
Temperature outlooks
Probabilistic ASO 2m Temperature forecast map
Probabilistic NDJ 2m Temperature forecast map
MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM 2m temperature
aSO Max. Temperature O month lead (ML)
CPT probabilistic ASO 2m Max. Temperature forecast CCA experiments: Predictor is observed SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over June (data source: NOAA ERSSTv3b, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is observed SST over the tropical North Atlantic over June. Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over ASO (data source: NOAA CPC CFSv2 , July initialisation). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical North Atlantic over ASO. Predictor is predicted T2m over the Caribbean over ASO (data source: ECHAM4.5 ensemble24, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over ASO (data source: NOAA CPC NMME , July initialisation).
CPT probabilistic ASO 2m Max. Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 1 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 3 Initial :52 Values : 20 Index : 0187 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 X modes : 3 Used : 40 Stations : 10 !Limited! ERSSTv3b Y modes : 8 Y modes : 4 Experiment 2 Initial : 52 Index : 0.081 90-20W & 30-0N X modes : 6 !!Very Limited!! Experiment 3 CCA modes: 2 Index : 0.221 X modes : 5 Moderate CFSv2 Y modes : 7 Experiment 4 Index : 0.194
CPT probabilistic ASO 2m Max. Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 5 CCA modes: 3 CCA modes: Initial : 52 Values : 20 Index : 100-40W & 35N-5S X modes : 5 X modes : Used : Stations : 10 ECHAM4.5 Y modes : 5 Y modes : Experiment 6 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 2 Index : 0.223 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 Used : 39 Moderate NMME Y modes : 8 Y modes : 4 Experiment 7 Index : 0.180 90-20W & 30-0N !Limited! Y modes : 3
NDJ Max. Temperature 3 month lead (ML)
CPT probabilistic NDJ 2m Max. Temperature forecast CCA experiments: Predictor is observed SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over June (data source: NOAA ERSSTv3b, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is observed SST over the tropical North Atlantic over June. Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over NDJ (data source: NOAA CPC CFSv2 , July initialisation). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical North Atlantic over NDJ. Predictor is predicted T2m over the Caribbean over NDJ (data source: ECHAM4.5 ensemble24, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over NDJ (data source: NOAA CPC NMME , July initialisation).
CPT probabilistic NDJ 2m Max. Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 1 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 3 Initial :52 Values : 20 Index : 0.116 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 X modes : 7 Used : 38 Stations : 10 !Limited! ERSSTv3b Y modes : 8 Y modes : 4 Experiment 2 CCA modes: 2 Initial : 52 Index : 0.005 90-20W & 30-0N X modes : 4 !!Very Limited!! Y modes : 5 Experiment 3 Index : 0.132 CFSv2 Experiment 4 Index : 0.097 Y modes : 6
CPT probabilistic NDJ 2m Max. Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 5 CCA modes: 3 CCA modes: Initial : 52 Values : 20 Index : 100-40W & 35N-5S X modes : 5 X modes : Used : Stations : 10 ECHAM4.5 Y modes : 5 Y modes : Experiment 6 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 4 Index : 0.174 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 X modes : 1 Used : 38 !Limited! NMME Y modes : 8 Y modes : 7 Experiment 7 Index : 0.103 90-20W & 30-0N
CariCOF Objective Maximum T2m outlook for the Caribbean (National + Regional Ensemble) August-September - October 2017
CariCOF Objective Maximum T2m outlook for the Caribbean (National + Regional Ensemble) November-December 2017 / January 2018
Probabilistic JAS 2m Maximum Temperature forecast map
Probabilistic OND 2m Maximum Temperature forecast map
ASO Min. Temperature O month lead (ML)
CPT probabilistic ASO 2m Min. Temperature forecast CCA experiments: Predictor is observed SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over June (data source: NOAA ERSSTv3b, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is observed SST over the tropical North Atlantic over June. Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over ASO (data source: NOAA CPC CFSv2 , July initialisation). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical North Atlantic over ASO. Predictor is predicted T2m over the Caribbean over ASO (data source: ECHAM4.5 ensemble24, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over ASO (data source: NOAA CPC NMME , July initialisation).
CPT probabilistic ASO 2m Min. Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 1 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 3 Initial :52 Values : 20 Index : 0.157 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 Used : 41 Stations : 10 !Limited! ERSSTv3b Y modes : 8 Y modes : 3 Experiment 2 Initial : 52 Index : 0.079 90-20W & 30-0N X modes : 3 !!Very Limited!! Y modes : 4 Experiment 3 CCA modes: 4 Index : 0.209 X modes : 5 Moderate CFSv2 Y modes : 5 Experiment 4 Index : 0.190 X modes : 6 Y modes : 6
CPT probabilistic ASO 2m Min. Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 5 CCA modes: 3 CCA modes: Initial : 52 Values : 20 Index : 100-40W & 35N-5S X modes : 5 X modes : Used : Stations : 10 ECHAM4.5 Y modes : 5 Y modes : Experiment 6 CCA modes: 5 Index : 0.256 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 Used : 40 Fair NMME Y modes : 8 Y modes : 3 Experiment 7 CCA modes: 7 Index : 0.237 90-20W & 30-0N X modes : 2 Used : 39 Moderate
NDJ Min. Temperature 3 month lead (ML)
CPT probabilistic NDJ 2m Min. Temperature forecast CCA experiments: Predictor is observed SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over June (data source: NOAA ERSSTv3b, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is observed SST over the tropical North Atlantic over June. Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over NDJ (data source: NOAA CPC CFSv2 , July initialisation). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical North Atlantic over NDJ. Predictor is predicted T2m over the Caribbean over NDJ (data source: ECHAM4.5 ensemble24, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is predicted SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over NDJ (data source: NOAA CPC NMME , July initialisation).
CPT probabilistic NDJ 2m Min. Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 1 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes:2 Initial :52 Values : 20 Index : 0.084 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 X modes : 5 Used : 40 Stations : 10 !!Very Limited!! ERSSTv3b Y modes : 8 Y modes : 5 Experiment 2 CCA modes: 3 Initial : 52 Index : -0.018 90-20W & 30-0N Negative Skill Experiment 3 CCA modes: 2 Index : 0.101 !Limited! CFSv2 Experiment 4 Index : 0.061 X modes : 7 Y modes : 4
CPT probabilistic NDJ 2m Min. Temperature forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 5 CCA modes: 3 CCA modes: Initial : 52 Values : 20 Index : 100-40W & 35N-5S X modes : 5 X modes : Used : Stations : 10 ECHAM4.5 Y modes : 5 Y modes : Experiment 6 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 2 Index : 0.119 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 X modes : 4 Used : 39 !Limited! NMME Y modes : 8 Y modes : 3 Experiment 7 Index : 0.138 90-20W & 30-0N X modes :6
CariCOF Objective Minimum T2m outlook for the Caribbean (National + Regional Ensemble) August - September – October 2017
CariCOF Objective Minimum T2m outlook for the Caribbean (National + Regional Ensemble) November – December 2017 / January 2018
Probabilistic ASO 2m Minimum Temperature forecast map
Probabilistic NDJ 2m Minimum Temperature forecast map
Drought outlook
Drought outlook MJJASO
CPT probabilistic MJJASO CCA experiments: Predictor is observed SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over June (data source: NOAA ERSSTv3b, obtained from the IRI data library). Predictor is observed SST over the tropical North Atlantic over June. Predictor is predicted rainfall totals over the Caribbean over JASO (data source: ECHAM4.5 ensemble24, obtained from the IRI data library).
CPT probabilistic AMJJAS Drought forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 1 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 3 Initial : 468 Values : 20 Index : 0.300 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 X modes : 6 Used : 428 Stations : 10 Good ERSSTv3b Y modes : 8 Y modes : 3 Experiment 2 CCA modes: 1 Index : 0.238 90-20W & 30-0N X modes : 5 Moderate Y modes : 1 Experiment 3 CCA modes: Initial : Index : 100-40W & 35N-5S X modes : Used : ECHAM4.5 Y modes : 5 Y modes :
Drought outlook DJFMAMjjason 2016-17
CPT probabilistic DJFMAMJJASON CCA experiments: Predictor is observed SST over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific over June (data source: NOAA ERSSTv3b, obtained from the IRI data library).
CPT probabilistic DJFMAMJJASON Drought forecast Maximum Optimum No. of Stations Missing Y data Goodness Index Experiment 1 CCA modes: 5 CCA modes: 4 Initial : 468 Values : 20 Index : 0.280 140E-20W & 30N-20S X modes : 8 X modes : 6 Used : 394 Stations : 10 Fair ERSSTv3b Y modes : 8 Y modes : 4
CariCOF Drought Outlook By the end of October 2017 Coordination – CIMH – Dr. Cédric J. Van Meerbeeck Participating territories Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haïti, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico, St. Barth’s, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Maarten/St. Martin, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago and the US Virgin Islands
Shorter term Drought Outlook (May to October 2017) Areas under immediate drought concern? Current Outlook Current update (July 2017): As we transition from the dry into the wet season, we continue to see no drought concern developing throughout the region, except: A drought warning is issued for Haïti. A drought watch is issued for central parts of The Bahamas. Previous Outlook
Long-term drought outlook Concerns by the end of the wet season (November 30th, 2017)? Current Outlook This 12-month SPI-based drought outlook uses observations through June 2017, with potential impacts on large surface water reserves and groundwater. In general, impacts are expected if the 12-month SPI is ≤-1.3 (very dry or worse – ref.: CDPMN). A drought warning is in effect for central parts of The Bahamas. A drought watch is in effect for northern parts of The Bahamas. Previous Outlook
Drought outlook – shorter-/longer-term concern? Current drought situation (up to the end of June 2017): (more information here) Central parts of The Bahamas as well as Turks & Caicos have seen short term and long term drought developing. Short term drought is also seen in central and western Hispaniola. An area spanning from the Cayman Islands over central Cuba to central Bahamas, as well as the extreme south and north-west of Belize and the TCI are in long-term drought. Shorter term drought situation (by the end of October 2017): Due to a marked rainfall deficit in Haïti in May and June, we expect a shorter term drought situation to evolve there. Short term drought might also persist in central parts of the Bahamas. Long term drought situation (by the end of November 2017): Long term drought is evolving in central parts of the Bahamas and will possibly develop in N Bahamas. Though the potential long term drought concerns are very few region-wide at this time, we advise all stakeholders to keep monitoring drought and look for our monthly updates. One definite reason to keep monitoring the situation is the possibility of an El Niño developing this year (with a chance of 35%). If a strong enough El Niño manifests, that may raise drought concerns when we will go into the next dry season by the end of 2017. CONTINUE TO MONITOR & CONSERVE WATER !!
Drought of immediate concern Alert level Meaning Action level NO CONCERN No drought concern monitor resources update and ratify management plans public awareness campaigns upgrade infrastructure DROUGHT WATCH Drought possible keep updated protect resources and conserve water implement management plans response training monitor and repair infrastructure DROUGHT WARNING Drought evolving protect resources conserve and recycle water release public service announcements last minute infrastructural repairs and upgrades report impacts DROUGHT EMERGENCY Drought of immediate concern implement management and response plans enforce water restrictions and recycling enforce resource protection repair infrastructure
Thresholds Goodness Index Skill Thresholds Negative Skill < 0 Very Limited 0 – 0.1 Limited 0.1 – 0.2 Moderate 0.2 – 0.25 Fair 0.25 -0.3 Good > 0.3 Drought Alert Levels Probabilities No Concern < 33.3333 Drought Watch 33.3334 – 50 Drought Warning 50 – 83.3333 Drought Emergency ≥ 83.3334 ROC Discrimination Thresholds No < 0.5 Poor 0.5 0.6 Moderate 0.6 – 0.7 Fair 0.7 -0.8 Good 0.8 – 0.95 Very Good > 0.95
Rainfall frequency and extreme forecasts – wet days and wet spells outlooks August to October 2017 Dr. Cedric VAN MEERBEECK1 , Wazita Scott1, Dr. Simon MASON2, Ángel MUÑOZ2, Dr. Teddy ALLEN2, Dale Destin3 1Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH), Barbados 2International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), USA 3Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Services
Wet day frequency shifts ASO 2017 Frequency of wet days Precipitation outlook Wet day frequency shifts Forecast for: August to October 2017 ASO 2017 Frequency of wet days USUALLY: Out of 92 days in Aug-Sep-Oct, there are about 35 to 50 wet days (coastal Guianas: 15-30; ABC Islands: 10-20). FORECAST: ASO rainfall is likely to be above- to normal in the Antilles (except Trinidad & Tobago), The Bahamas and Belize, but below-normal in Trinidad & Tobago. We forecast slightly more wet days in the islands north of Martinique, but fewer wet days in Belize, and most places south of Martinique (medium to high confidence). IMPLICATION: Frequent rainfall disruptions of outdoor activities, especially in Sept.-Oct. Surface wetness makes environmental conditions more conducive to mosquito breeding and moisture related pests.
Wet spells frequency shifts Precipitation outlook Wet spells frequency shifts Forecast for: August to October 2017 ASO 2017 frequency of 7-day wet spells USUALLY: Between 3 and 6 wet spells (coastal Guianas: 1-3) occur from August to October, with 1 to 4 of them ending up very wet (coastal Guianas: up to 2). FORECAST: ASO rainfall is likely to be above- to normal in the Antilles (except Trinidad & Tobago), The Bahamas and Belize, but below-normal in Trinidad & Tobago. We forecast slightly more wet days in the islands north of Martinique, but fewer wet days in Belize, and most places south of Martinique (medium to high confidence). By contrast, we forecast the usual number of wet and very wet spells (low confid.). IMPLICATION: Recharge of large water reservoirs associated with wet season. Wet days outlook ASO 2017 frequency of 7-day very wet spells
Extreme wet spells frequency shifts Precipitation outlook Extreme wet spells frequency shifts Forecast for: August to October 2017 USUALLY: Up to 2 extreme wet spells occur from August to October, except in the Guianas where it is the dry season. FORECAST: ASO rainfall is likely to be above- to normal in the Antilles (except Trinidad & Tobago), The Bahamas and Belize, but below-normal in Trinidad & Tobago. We forecast slightly more wet days in the islands north of Martinique, but fewer wet days in Belize, and most places south of Martinique (medium to high confidence). By contrast, we forecast the usual number of wet, very wet and extremely wet spells (low confid.). IMPLICATION: Flash flood potential is a concern throughout the region. ASO 2017 frequency of extreme (top 1%) 3-day wet spells Wet days outlook Wet spells outlook Very wet spells outlook
August to October 2017 No. of wet days No. of 7-day wet spells (20% wettest) No. of 7-day very wet spells (10% wettest) No. of 3-day extremely wet spells (1% wettest) Climatology Forecast Antigua (VC Bird) 31-45 34-47 3-6 3-6.2 0.9-3.9 1.3-4.2 0-1 0-1.7 Aruba (Beatrix) 9-21 6-21 1.7-5.1 1.6-5.3 0.4-3.4 0.9-3.7 0-2 0-1.4 Barbados (CIMH) 37-50 34-50 4.3-6.9 4-7.1 2.1-4.3 2-4.4 0.2-2 Barbados (GAIA) 40-49 4.4-6.7 1.7-3.9 2-4.3 0-1.9 Belize (C. Farm) 29-49 3-6.4 3-6.1 1.3-3.9 1.2-3.8 0-2.2 Cayman 35-46 36-52 4.4-7 1.7-4.3 1.6-4.9 Cuba (Punta Maisi) 12-27 16-37 2.6-5.1 2.4-5.7 0.9-3.4 1.2-3.5 Dom. Republic (Las Americas) 27-37 27-42 3.9-6 3.7-6.2 1.8-3.6 1.6-4.5 0.1-1.5 Dominica (Canefield) 45-61 3.5-6.3 2.9-7 1.7-4.5 1.6-4.8 0-2.5 Dominica (Douglas Charles) 57-70 57-74 3.4-6.9 3.3-6.8 1.7-3.7 1.6-4.1 Grenada (MBIA) 37-47 34-48 3.9-6.2 3.1-6.4 Guyana_73 11-21 7-20 0.9-3 0.6-2.9 0-2.1 0.2-1.9 0-0 Guyana (Albion) 14-28 11-28 0.9-3.5 1-3.4 0.4-1.7 0.5-1.8 0-0.7 Guyana (Blairmont) 19-32 15-29 0.8-2.7 0-1.3 0.2-1.4 Guyana (Enmore) Guyana (Georgetown) 16-31 13-28 0.9-2.9 0.4-1.3 0.3-1.4 0-0.3 Guyana (New Amsterdam) 22-38 16-32 0.4-2.6 0.6-2.6 0.1-1.3 Guyana (Skeldon) 25-40 20-38 1.1-3.4 0.4-1.8 0.3-2.1 0-0.1 Guyana (Timehri) 20-28 17-30 0.4-3 0.7-2.9 Jamaica (Worthy Park) 21-31 0.9-2.8 0.5-1.7 0-0.4 Martinique (FDF Desaix) 34-44 29-42 1.7-3.4 1.5-3.5 0.5-1.9 Puerto Rico (San Juan) 27-38 24-36 1.7-3 1.4-3.6 0.1-1.7 0-0.2 St. Lucia (Hewanorra) 30-47 33-53 3.4-6.4 3.3-6.6 1.5-4.3 St. Maarten (TNCM) 50-63 47-62 3.9-7.3 3.7-6.9 1.9-4.5 St. Vincent (ET Joshua) 39-51 39-52 3.4-5.6 2.6-5.8 1.3-3.5 0-1.5 Suriname (Zanderij) 44-58 40-54 3.9-6.4 2.1-3.9 1.6-5 Tobago (ANR Robinson) 34-49 37-56 2.6-5.6 2.9-6.6 1.1-3.8 0-1.2 Trinidad (Piarco) 53-63 49-62 3.2-6.8 1.7-4.1 brown is a decrease in frequency, dark blue an increase, grey none are expected
Heat Outlook for August to November 2017 - Frequent excessive heat Dr. Simon MASON2, Dr. Cedric J. VAN MEERBEECK1 (, Dr. Hannah Nissan2, Dr. Teddy ALLEN2 , Wazita Scott1 1Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH), Barbados 2International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), USA
How hot will the next three to six months be? Night time Day time FORECAST: temperatures from August to January during both night & day likely warmer than usual. The hottest part of the year (Aug. to Sep.) will be warmer than usual. IMPLICATIONS: Elevated heat stress between August and October in the vulnerable population and small livestock. Increased cooling need. Aug-Sep-Oct 2017 Milder Usual Hotter Milder Usual Hotter Nov-Dec-Jan 2017-’18
What’s the chance of having at least … heatwave days from August to November 2017? FORECAST: 60-90% chance for at least 14 heatwave days except Belize, Cayman and parts of Cuba. More than 40% chance of having at least 30 heatwave days in many places in the Lesser Antilles and coastal Guianas.
How many heatwave days from August to November 2017? USUALLY: At least a few heatwave days are counted in most locations between August and November. Most heatwave days tend to occur between August and October. FORECAST: There is an increase in heatwave days forecast for ASON 2017. Some locations may experience heatwaves 25% of the time. IMPLICATIONS: Very likely increase in heat stress from heatwaves in human populations or livestock. More discomfort related to very warm temperatures until the end of October than in recent months.
Caribbean RCC Temperature Monitor Maps
Caribbean RCC Rainfall and SPI Monitor Maps
US Climate Prediction center – Climate Diagnostics bulletin
NOAA CPC NAO index monitoring/forecasting
Explanatory variables – NMME Predicted SSTs Caribbean & tropical Atlantic Caribbean & tropical Atlantic El Niño region El Niño region
Explanatory variables – ECMWF Predicted Tropical SSTs
US Climate Prediction Center – El Niño update
Explanatory variables – CPC/IRI ENSO Forecast
IRI – multi-model probabilistic rainfall forecast
EUROSIP - multi-model probabilistic rainfall forecast
ECMWF - ensemble probabilistic rainfall forecast
UK Met Office – probabilistic Rainfall forecast
NOAA CPC – probabilistic rainfall forecast AMERICA
APCC – multi-model probabilistic rainfall forecast
Météo France Arpège – probabilistic rainfall forecast Météo France Arpège – probabilistic rainfall forecast *** courtesy of Christophe Montout and Florian Gibier
Japan Met Agency - probabilistic rainfall forecast
Environment Canada CanSIPS - probabilistic Rainfall forecast ASO 2017 (0.5 month lead) NDJ 2017-’18 (3.5 month lead)
IRI – multi-model probabilistic T2m forecast
EUROSIP - multi-model probabilistic T2m forecast
ECMWF - ensemble probabilistic T2m forecast
UK Met Office – probabilistic T2m forecast
APCC – multi-model probabilistic T2m forecast
Météo France Arpège – probabilistic T2m forecast Météo France Arpège – probabilistic T2m forecast *** courtesy of Christophe Montout and Florian Gibier
Japan Met Agency - probabilistic T2m forecast
Environment Canada CanSIPS - probabilistic T2m forecast ASO 2017 (0.5 month lead) NDJ 2017 (3.5 month lead)
Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology TEL: (246) 425-1362/3 | FAX: (246) 424-4733