Curriculum Writing with Curriculum Trak Evidence of Learning and Key Learning Experiences
Curriculum Writing Progression So far we have: Named our units Determined a sequence for our units by six weeks Attached our TEKS to our units Added Content and Skills Created Essential Questions Add Enduring Understandings Today, we will select units and: Evidence of Learning and Key Learning Experiences Later we will: Refine our work because we are finished! Curriculum Writing Progression
Goals Describe the different ways we gain evidence of learning Add evidence of learning to our units. Add key learning experiences to our units. Goals
Let’s get started! Login to Curriculum Trak Find the unit you want to work on- Unit Plans, Select Unit Click on the blue “Editing Mode” Scroll down to the Evidence of Learning portion of the template and click in the box Let’s get started!
What counts as Evidence of Learning? Evidence of learning is making sure that students have successfully made meaning of the content, as opposed to merely recalling something that the teacher or textbook said. The goal is for students to transfer prior learning to new or novel- looking tasks or settings with minimal direction from the teacher. Success on the tasks or tests must depend primarily on the depth of the understanding a student has rather than mere facility with words, good recall, creation of a nice product, or skill in performing in front of others. What counts as Evidence of Learning?
What counts as Evidence of Learning? We must be clear about the essential indicators of understanding and not be swayed by the tangential qualities of performance or surface features of student work. Yes, the student is articulate and offers many facts, but is her argument logical and grounded in the content of the unit on WWII? Unfortunately, he forgot some details in Charlotte’s Web, but doesn’t he grasp the importance and consequences of the themes of friendship and motive? Yes, his rap was skillful and entertaining, but does it provide solid evidence of understanding? Her Rube Goldberg-like machine was messy and poorly built, but doesn’t her explanation demonstrate genuine insight into the principles? What counts as Evidence of Learning?
Evidence of Learning- Assessing for Transfer How do we assess for true understanding and transfer? We focus on designing assessments that contain the 6 facets of understanding. The 6 facets of understanding are ways that students can demonstrate they understand a concept. Evidence of Learning- Assessing for Transfer
How to Assess for Understanding
Evidence of Learning- Assessing for Transfer Examine how you are currently assessing your students. Are you assessing for “understanding”? If not, determine what you need to do to assess for understanding. Evidence of Learning- Assessing for Transfer
Today: Choose a unit: example: Fifth six weeks: Our Changing Earth Go to the Evidence of Learning section of your unit in Curriculum Trak Add your assessments for the unit- can be projects, papers, textbook assessments- anything you do to assess student understanding. Use the Six Facets of Understanding and the question starters to ensure you are assessing for understanding and transfer. Key Learning Experiences- Fill in the key experiences you want your students to have in the unit. Examples: field trips, guest speakers, assemblies, videos, or other. Once you complete these tasks for all of your units, CELEBRATE! You have finished! Task for Today
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