Hiring Procedures September 14, 2017 The Faculty Recruitment Procedures document is a revision of the previous version. Collaborative document Hopefully, it can serve as a fairly comprehensive guide Other materials on HR and Inclusive Excellence sites, which Lauren and Kathleen might highlight for you Let’s walk through some important points in the Procedures Jason Vest, Assistant Provost for Special Projects
Faculty Hiring Plan DEAN Requests for positions go to deans first Deans submit Annual Hiring Plan Decisions made by the Provost by June 30th
Committee Appointment HIRING MANAGER At least five individuals, including a student Chair appointed by hiring manager Diversity of perspectives, backgrounds, disciplines, and specialties Inclusion of underrepresented faculty The Dean must approve the committee
Inclusiveness SEARCH COMMITTEES Actively and aggressively pursue recruitment of individuals from underrepresented groups Meet with Senior Advisor for Inclusive Excellence before beginning the search Required language in vacancy announcement and position descriptions
Advertising SEARCH COMMITTEES Submit advertisement and details through PeopleAdmin Approved by Dean and Provost before being advertised Lauren Franzen All application materials through PeopleAdmin
Review SEARCH COMMITTEES Preliminary review Eliminate those not meeting minimum qualifications First review Collaborate and create an evaluation rubric Criteria from the position description Keep a record of all decisions Unless fixed deadline, review new applications in the same manner
Review SEARCH COMMITTEES Second review Initial reference checks Before phone or Skype interviews, change status to “Chosen for Interview” Determine campus interviews Send names and materials of candidates to Chair and Dean for approval Assured diversity to the extent possible Decide candidates to bring on campus for interviews Approved by Chair and Dean No fewer than two candidates
Interview SEARCH COMMITTEES Campus Interviews Search Committee Common set of questions Department Faculty Department Chair Dean and/or Assistant/Associate Dean Department Chair finalists interviewed by Provost Formal presentation by the candidate Teaching demonstration or evidence of teaching competency
Recommendation SEARCH COMMITTEES Submitted through PeopleAdmin Unranked order With a thorough summary of the search process If preferred hire of the committee ≠ preferred hire of Chair, Dean, or Provost, no hire without further discussion Once choice approved by the Dean and Provost, contingent offer made by department chair Appointment form and letter
Additional Points Non-tenure track renewable (NTTR) faculty searches follow the same guidelines Search may be regional in lieu of national Non-tenure track temporary (NTTT) do not require a search but must be entered in PeopleAdmin Search recommended if expectation that position will exceed one year Documentation must still be kept Expenses for searches should follow university policies and procedures
Lauren Franzen, HR Manager (x7523) Kathleen Roberts, Senior Advisor for Inclusive Excellence (x6630)