The Guardian Catholic Schools September 2015 Algebra: The Right Fit The Guardian Catholic Schools September 2015
Why Algebra in Grade 8? High School College
High School Goals 8th grade Algebra seems to be a pre-requisite for many schools It is not a requirement for the following: BOLLES, EPISCOPAL, BISHOP KENNY, BISHOP SNYDER, OR OTHER DUVAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND CHARTER SCHOOLS
Life Goals What are you planning to do? You need 8th Grade Algebra for all the following careers: Engineer, Doctor, Scientist, Accountant, Banker, Pilot, and many more!
Reasearch What Does Research Show?
A new study from the Brookings Institution questioned the national push toward algebra-for-all by eighth grade, and found that the equation is a simple one: teaching algebra and other advanced math courses earlier than the ninth grade does not equal improved achievement.
Pushing kids into eighth-grade algebra hasn't helped Pushing kids into eighth-grade algebra hasn't helped. After exhaustive research, the Brookings study found that U.S. states that increased the percentage of students taking algebra in eighth grade were no more likely to see overall math achievement gains than other states.
New Research In fact, new research says the push to have students take algebra by 8th grade has hurt, not helped, students.
What is Algebra? A SYSTEM of solving math problems Uses words & letters to represent numbers
Cognitive Readiness
In the study of math, we now know, timing matters a great deal In the study of math, we now know, timing matters a great deal. As children mature, they become more capable of complex cognitive functioning. They add perceptual, discriminatory and evaluation skills to their cognitive repertory through experience.
Take Home Message So what’s the take-home message? Just as teachers need to adjust for the different styles of learning exhibited by various students, curriculum administrators need to be aware of the different capacities of students to deal with abstract reasoning. This doesn’t refer to textbooks, materials or teaching approaches. It is simply that the physiological brain development of students varies.
Conception or Misconception?
Misconception A 2012 North Carolina study of 141,000 students found students taking algebra early scored significantly lower on end-of-course tests in Algebra I. And, they were less likely to pass standard follow-up courses.
Algebra Algebra readiness does not start in 8th Grade : - Mastery of basic facts & procedures - Multi-step problem solving - Conceptual & abstract thinking - High self motivation - Above average math grades -Above Average standardized test score test scores
Building A Solid Foundation Automaticity ~ Basic Facts and Basic Procedures Simple Solutions Homework Accelerated Math® Khan Academy Problem Solving
Building A Solid Foundation Conceptualized Thinking
Problem Solving Problem solving is skill to help to meet everyday challenges. It is also a skill which can enhance logical reasoning. Individuals can no longer function optimally in society by just knowing the rules to follow to obtain a correct answer. They also need to be able to decide through a process of logical deduction what algorithm, if any, a situation requires, and sometimes need to be able to develop their own rules in a situation where an algorithm cannot be directly applied. For these reasons problem solving can be developed as a valuable skill in itself, a way of thinking (NCTM, 1989), rather than just as the means to an end of finding the correct answer.
High School Goals SUCCESS = GRADUATUON Students who have successfully completed high school Algebra II are more than twice as likely to graduate from college!
What The Guardian Catholic Schools Offer Grade 6: Standard Math Accelerated Math (not to be confused with Accelerated Math®) Grade 7: Standard Math 7 Pre-Algebra I Grade 8: Pre-Algebra II Algebra I Florida Virtual School
The Best Fit READINESS SELF-MOTIVATION FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS AND CONCEPTS It is better to succeed at Pre-Algebra in grade 8 and build a strong foundation for HS
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