The Constitution of Montenegro (22 October 2007) Gender equality Article 18 The State guarantees the equality of women and men and develop equal opportunity policies.
MECHANISMS FOR GENDER EQUALITY AND THEIR ROLE Office for Gender Equality of the Government of Montenegro (2001), now the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights Committee for Gender Equality of the Parliament of Montenegro (2001)
Law on Gender Equality Article 14 Statistical data and information that is collected, recorded and processed in the bodies, companies and other entities, as well as entrepreneurs / would have to be presented by gender. Statistical data and information referred to in paragraph 1 of this article are an integral part of official statistics in the Republic of Montenegro (hereinafter: Montenegro) and are available to the public in accordance with the law.
Action Plan for achieving gender equality in Montenegro Participation of the Statistical office of Montenegro in drafting and implementing a plan
Statistical office of Montenegro SIDA project in 2005, Statistics Sweden The first edition of the publication / Women and Men in Montenegro 2006 Workshop for users of gender statistics in 2007 The second edition of the publication / Women and Men in Montenegro 2008
Statistical office of Montenegro Research classified by sex-Demographics: Census Data Birth Death Assembled and divorced marriages Internal and external migration Estimate the population
Statistical office of Montenegro Research classified by sex-education: Preschool Primary school, the beginning and end of school year Secondary school, the beginning and end of school year High school and enrolled graduate students Postgraduate Doctorate
Statistical office of Montenegro Research classified by sex- Justice Youth convicted of crimes Adults convicted of criminal offenses
Statistical office of Montenegro The data shown in the second edition of publications related to the following areas: Population - Health Education Social Welfare Crime Employment and wages Politics Other
Statistical office of Montenegro Weaknesses: Lack of human capacity The need to introduce Time Use Survey Need for improvement of data quality
Other data producers Institute for Health Pension Fund Office for Administration staff ..........
Statistical office of Montenegro Future plans: The new third edition of the publication / Women and Men in Montenegro - 2010 Census-forms and methodology School statistics
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