What is GeoGebra? It is free mathematics software. It is a cross platform and open source program for doing dynamic geometry. It works like a sketch pad - graphic calculator. Examples One can also create applets using GeoGebra.
What Do You Need? GeoGebra - Online: http://www.geogebra.org/cms/ On PC - folder: JMM2009_GeoGebra Java – http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp SeaMonkey – (a web editor) http://www.seamonkey-project.org/
Applets in GeoGebra <=> on Web create the applet in GeoGebra edit the applet in SeaMonkey (composer) Export (save) the applet In html Save
Help Online: in GeoGebra: click on help icon and click on ? Offline: http://www.geogebra.org/help/docuen/index.html in GeoGebra: click on help icon and click on ? Offline: JMM2009_GeoGebra/GeoGebraHelpFiles/GeoGebraHelpEng.pdf
Existing Applets - Online Dr. Mike May, St. Louis University http://www.slu.edu/classes/maymk/GeoGebra/ Dr. Elisha Peterson, West Point http://www.dean.usma.edu/departments/math/people/Peterson/geogebra/mathlets.html
My Applets osculating circles of a curve definite integral and total area fixed point algorithm linear combination of two vectors