Changes for 2017 Blue Tags are for Bridge and Kindergarten Families only. No older siblings Yellow Tags are for lower school families with siblings Br-4 Orange Tags are for lower school families with older siblings 3-6 Green Tags are for Upper school families only. All upper school students are picked up in the back.
Morning Car Pool Changes for 2017 NEW DIRECTION FOR THE MORNING ONLY!!! All Cars will come in the entrance and go out the exit lanes All Cars will go to the right to drop off points. Drop off points are the same, Except Blue, which moves to the flag circle in front of new building Yellow comes in and forms TWO lanes up front without going around the building. Pick any lane. Watch out for students crossing traffic Orange and Blue heads to the flag circle by following the outside curb and then moving to the inside lane on North side of building. Green heads to the back by following the outside curb and then moving to the outside lane on the North side of the building
Morning Car Pool Changes for 2017 NEW DIRECTION FOR THE MORNING ONLY!!! Watch for traffic directors to sequence cars to B/K building and Orange cars Watch for traffic directors in the back to sequence Orange/Blue heading out and Green moving to drop off students Watch for merge of Yellow as they exit up front. Yellow cars departing have the right of way over Green/Orange/Blue leaving from the back ALL CARS will exit to the right at Brownlee Road.
Afternoon Car Pool Changes for 2017 Afternoon Direction Stays the same!!! Blue Tags arrive early and pick up Bridge/Kindergarten students in the front of the school. B/K students will be walked up to front of school at 2:45 for dismissal. They will not be picked up in front of the B/K building. Yellow Tags will hold in the back until after all B/K families (Blue Tags) have gone to the front. A staff member will move yellow tags to the front around 2:50 to 2:55. Form three lanes in the front Lane 1 is closet to the building, Lane 2 in the Middle, Lane 3 is the outside.
Afternoon Car Pool Changes for 2017 Afternoon Direction Stays the same!!! Orange Tags: Stay to the right (or inside lane) as you move to flag circle. Students will be dismissed at 2:55. Pick up upper school students after 3:05 in the back. Green Tags are for all Upper School Students. Upper School students should be picked up after 3:05 Pick up all students in the back before you pick up lower school students if you have any.
2017 PCA Car Pool – Morning Drop Off- Overall Plan ALL CARS yield to yellow traffic coming out of front drop off point ALL CARS Continue around to front of school ALL CARS exit The SOUTH SIDE and can only turn right Upper School drop off 7th Grade thru 12th Lower School drop off 1st thru 4th Grade – Upper School drop off in the right lane in front of back building entrance Drop off 3rd Grade thru 6th and Bridge / K ALL CARS “Enter the NORTH SIDE from either direction All Yellow traffic stay in The inside lane All Green/Blue/Orange traffic stay in the outside lane All Blue/Orange traffic stay in the inside to the circle Green stay in outside lane CARS SPLIT – Traffic director will move green to drop off point and then allow orange/blue cars to exit
2017 PCA Car Pool Plan – Morning Drop Off Blue Car Tag ALL CARS yield to yellow traffic coming out of front drop off point Watch out for merging traffic ALL CARS Continue around to front of school ALL CARS exit The SOUTH SIDE and can only turn right Upper School drop off 7th Grade thru 12th Lower School drop off 1st thru 4th Grade – Pull up as far into circle as you can Drop off 3rd Grade thru 6th and Bridge / K ALL CARS “Enter the NORTH SIDE from either direction Exit Left – Stay left All Green/Blue/Orange traffic follow curb until on side road. All Blue/Orange traffic stay in the inside to the circle Green stay in outside lane CARS SPLIT – Traffic director will move green to drop off point and then allow orange/blue cars to exit in outside lane Split traffic After the curve
2017 PCA Car Pool Plan – Afternoon Pick Up Blue Car Tag at 2:45 pm ALL CARS Continue around back of school – USE right lane all the way to front of school Lower School pick up Bridge & Kindergarten 2:45pm BLUE CAR POOL SIGN ALL CARS ENTER the “exit” side or SOUTH SIDE ALL CARS EXIT the “entrance” or NORTH SIDE Blue tags are for Families with a Bridge and/or Kindergartener only. If all you have to pick up is children in these two grades then you enter the car pool flow go around the building and head up front. B&K students will be released at 2:50 to parents. Families then drive out and exit thru the opposite side or “normal entrance” side. Pull all the way up Make two lines for B&K pick up Pass all cars to the front of building
2017 PCA Car Pool Plan – Morning Drop Off Yellow Car Tag ALL CARS yield to yellow traffic coming out of front drop off point. ALL CARS exit The SOUTH SIDE and can only turn right Upper School drop off 7th Grade thru 12th Lower School drop off 1st thru 4th Grade Drop off 3rd Grade thru 6th and Bridge / K ALL CARS “Enter the NORTH SIDE from either direction All Yellow traffic stay in the inside lanes. Two lanes of drop off. Watch children crossing traffic. Make loop out of drop off and turn right on Brownlee.
Wait at hold point until released by monitor to go up front 2017 PCA Yellow Car Pool Tag– Afternoon Pick Up Lower School student release at 2:55 pm ALL CARS Continue around back of school – STAY IN FAR LEFT LANE- keep right lane clear Lower School pick up 4th and below ALL CARS ENTER the “exit” side or SOUTH SIDE Yellow Car Pool Tag HOLD POINT Yellow Car Pool Tag ALL CARS EXIT the “entrance” or NORTH SIDE Wait at hold point until released by monitor to go up front Traffic director will let cars move to the front when clear CARS SPLIT – Upper School pick up in the right lane Lower school pick up in the left lane to front of building
2017 PCA Car Pool Plan – Morning Drop Off Orange Car Tag ALL CARS yield to yellow traffic coming out of front drop off point Watch out for merging traffic ALL CARS Continue around to front of school ALL CARS exit The SOUTH SIDE and can only turn right Upper School drop off 7th Grade thru 12th Lower School drop off 1st thru 4th Grade – Upper School drop off in the right lane in front of back building entrance Drop off 3rd Grade thru 6th and Bridge / K ALL CARS “Enter the NORTH SIDE from either direction Exit Left – Stay left All Green/Blue/Orange traffic follow curb until on side road. All Blue/Orange traffic stay in the inside to the circle Green stay in outside lane CARS SPLIT – Traffic director will move green to drop off point and then allow orange/blue cars to exit in outside lane Split traffic After the curve
2017 PCA Orange Car Pool Tag– Afternoon Pick Up Lower School student release at 2:55 pm ALL CARS Continue around back of school ORANGE CAR POOL SIGNs Proceed to circle in on lane. Stay to the right. ALL CARS ENTER the “exit” side or SOUTH SIDE Lower School pick up 6th Graders and below ORANGE CAR POOL SIGN ALL CARS EXIT the “entrance” or NORTH SIDE Traffic director will let cars move to the front when clear CARS SPLIT – Upper School pick up in the right lane Lower school pick up in the left lane to front of building
2017 PCA Car Pool Plan – Morning Drop Off Green Car Tag Watch out for merging traffic ALL CARS yield to yellow traffic coming out of front drop off point ALL CARS Continue around to front of school ALL CARS exit The SOUTH SIDE and can only turn right Upper School drop off 7th Grade thru 12th Lower School drop off 1st thru 4th Grade – Upper School drop off in the right lane in front of back building entrance Drop off 3rd Grade thru 6th and Bridge / K ALL CARS “Enter the NORTH SIDE from either direction All Yellow traffic stay in The inside lane All Green/Blue/Orange traffic stay in the outside lane All Blue/Orange traffic stay in the inside to the circle Green stay in outside lane CARS SPLIT – Traffic director will move green to drop off point and then allow orange/blue cars to exit
2017 PCA Car Pool Plan – Afternoon Pick Up Upper School student release at 3:05 pm ALL CARS Continue around back of school ALL CARS ENTER the “exit” side or SOUTH SIDE Upper School pick up 7th Grade and above @ 3:05 GREEN CAR POOL SIGN Proceed to back parking lot near playground ALL CARS EXIT the “entrance” or NORTH SIDE All upper school students will be picked up in the back. Students will not be ready before 3pm. Students will not walk to the front. Green Car Pools will be held till 3:05