Fall Foundations Summit Working Together to Build Private Support for Public Education October 16, 2017 To be shown as guests arrive and through dinner.
Welcome and Introductions
Overview of Agenda General Session District Updates Helpful Resources Strategies and Supports (Break-Outs) Next Steps Closing (no later than 8 PM)
PUSD Superintendent & Budget Update For 2017 Fall FOUNDATIONS SUMMIT
Welcome by PUSD Superintendent Dr. Marian Kim-Phelps
By Dr. Marian Kim-Phelps, Superintendent District Update By Dr. Marian Kim-Phelps, Superintendent
“Great leaders always have the voices of our children ringing in their ears.” Educator for 25 years; former teacher, vice principal, principal, and area superintendent for San Diego Unified School District Former superintendent at Westminster School District in Orange County Started at Poway Unified in April 2017 Doctorate from San Diego State, M.A. from Point Loma, B.A. from UCSD ABOUT ME
DISTRICT LEADERSHIP CHANGES New Associate Superintendent of Technology & Innovation, Jennifer Burks New Associate Superintendent of Personnel Support Services, James Jimenez New Associate Superintendent of Business Support Services, Ron Little Seven new principals: Abraxas High, Bernardo Heights Middle, Black Mountain Middle, Canyon View Elementary, Del Sur Elementary, Sunset Hills Elementary, Westview High School Superintendent Learning Support Services Personnel Support Services Business Support Services Technology and Innovation Mel Robertson, Ed.D. James Jimenez Ron Little Jennifer Burks
MY VISION Create personalized learning pathways that allow our students to be competitive in a global society. Increase the educational technology presence in our schools, allowing our students to gain experiences and the necessary skills to be successful in college and career. Develop and implement innovative programs and learning experiences that allow our students opportunities to be multilingual, technology savvy, masters of the arts, and proficient contributors in the STEM and STEAM industries. Restore financial stability to the District and grow community trust and support for PUSD’s district mission of college and career readiness for all students.
TRUSTEE ELECTION DISTRICTS The District is changing how we elect school board members, from “at-large” to “by-district,” to comply with the California Voting Rights Act We need to establish five voting districts covering PUSD, keeping in mind population, demographics, communities of interest, respect voters’ wishes, and continuity in office Stakeholders have been asked to submit maps and comments/revisions by November 1, 2017 The Board needs to pick a preferred map at November 9, 2017 hearing This goes into effect for the November 2018 election when three current board members’ terms end
CHALLENGES ANY QUESTIONS? Budget--Structural Deficit Aging facilities and infrastructure Smart growth Equity and access ANY QUESTIONS?
Budget Update: With Associate Superintendent, Ron Little Budget Overview and Forecast Work of the District’s Budget Advisory Committee Implications for Fundraising
Overview of PUSD Foundation Formed in 2003 Intent to support: District-wide programs Equity across the District Merged with our Partners in Education Program in 2007 Priorities Development of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) skills College and Career Readiness Rigor, Relevance and Relationships in every classroom
What the PUSD Foundation Supports STEAM Skills ($34,169) Recognition Dinner ($26,053) Classroom Supplies ($24,158) PUSD Programs ($22,999) College and Career Readiness ($8,897) Technical Assistance for Site Foundations ($1252) (Expenses in 2016-17)
PUSD Foundation Goals 2017-18 Expand the Board Representatives from businesses Refine our vision to address: Equity across the District Funding gaps caused by budget shortfall Continue to expand existing fundraising efforts Continue to support site-based foundations to maximize their fundraising efforts
Review of Helpful Resources Reminders about HEP (matching funds software) Donor Tools Website “Tour” Revisiting Last Spring’s Discussion
On Your Own Please take a few minutes to think about strategies that support … Planning for smooth board transitions Keeping volunteers motivated and engaged Communicating about and promoting foundation events Addressing inequities across the District In preparation for our small group discussions,
Small Group Discussions The Process We will break into four groups; Each group will start at a station; each station has a facilitator; Each group will visit each station; About 10 minutes at each station, before rotating (clockwise) to the next station; Facilitator will not rotate and will report out on the discussion from that station.
Facilitators Report Out Planning Board Transitions Motivating Volunteers Promoting Foundation Events Ideas to Address Equity
Next Steps Evaluation Results posted on website Debrief and Plan for Spring Summit Monday, March 12, 2017
“Nothing you do for children is ever wasted.” -- Garrison Keillor
Thank you!