Year 5 Kingswood October 2017
Staff going on the residential Miss Gilbert Mrs Foster Miss Lock Mrs Walkley Mr Fellows Mr Armstrong Miss S Gilbert Mrs J Gilbert
Travel Dates and Times Wednesday 25th- Friday 27th October Arrive at school for normal time, all luggage to be taken to Year 5 classrooms. The children will have lunch at school as usual, then leave for Kingswood by 1.30pm Return journey – coach will aim to be back at school between 3.15 - 4.00pm.
School text alerts
Journey to Kingswood Children do not need to come in school uniform. If they wish to bring a magazine/book (non-electrical item) on the coach, they can do so however it must be in a small bag that they can carry whilst moving their luggage Travel sickness tablets: please supply tablets for the journey there and back. They must have your child’s full name on.
Accommodation Children will be sleeping in rooms of 8-12 people. The children will not be required to bring sleeping bags or pillows. You will need to supply your child with a towel and usual toiletries. All children are responsible for their rooms and possessions.
Safety In addition to school staff, the Centre is staffed with skilled professionals who lead the activities. On site security 24 hours a day. Emergency contact; through school office.
Code of Conduct Best behaviour is expected! If a child’s behaviour was not acceptable, their parents would be required to pick them up from the Centre in Staffordshire.
Timetables Children will get up at the same time each day. Meal times and activity times are also the same each day. The children will be grouped for activities during the day. At meal times, the whole year group will eat together.
Medical/ Dietary Information It is ESSENTIAL that we are aware of any condition that your child may have. If your child takes any regular prescribed medication, school staff will look after it for your child whilst away. Medication needs to be handed to Mrs Walkley/Mr Fellows on the morning of the trip (outside 5CWs doors), clearly labelled with your child’s name and with any necessary instructions. Children with asthma should keep hold of their inhaler but give a spare one (labelled) to staff on the morning of the trip. On returning to school, Mrs Walkley/Mr Fellows will return the medication to you outside of 5JHs classroom. If medication is not collected on the Friday, it will be given to Mrs Saunders to be collected on Monday.
Clothing Clothes must be old and it shouldn’t be a problem for them to get wet and dirty. Swimwear will not be required. If the weather is wet, activities do continue. Lots of changes of clothes may be needed! Long sleeves, trousers, waterproofs and sturdy boots/wellies are essential. One of the evening activities will be a disco, so your child may wish to bring party clothes. Each child will be required to carry their own luggage. Some sort of indoor footwear (slippers or flip-flops) would be useful as the floor in their room can become very dirty.
Expensive belongings Mobile phones, tablets, cameras etc are not permitted. A watch would be extremely useful. Up to £5 spending money. It needs be in a named purse/ wallet inside your child’s luggage. Your child is responsible for it.
Reminder Any outstanding letters regarding contact details/ medical and dietary information need to be handed into class teachers as soon as possible. We are not permitted to take the children on the trip without these details.
Kingswood Staffordshire Barn Lane, Nr Albrighton, Wolverhampton, WV7 3AW