UNSURPASSED ODOR CONTROL Without Fragrances, Enzymes or Chlorine Compounds Odor No More, Inc. Westminster, CA 92683 MADE IN AMERICA
CUPRidyne clean Eliminates odor-causing compounds; doesn’t mask them. All VOC’s including Ammonia, sulfur compounds, mercaptans, fatty acids 3rd-party validated Non-toxic, non-sensitizing, fragranced or fragrance free Validated in commercial trials Wastewater treatment plant Composting facility Transfer station Landfills Many more
“Finally a product that actually works” Proven, award-winning technology, previously only available to the USGOV and livestock industry National Purchasing Agreements signed with multiple leading waste and recycling companies Regardless of your current infrastructure, we offer an odor control solution that is easily integrated into your current odor management practices. Concentrated and ready-to-use liquids, powders, granules and hydrogels, we have the product and application method that is ready to serve your odor control needs. TRY A RISK FREE TRIAL AT YOUR FACILITY NOW!
Why Use CupriDyne Clean Safe – utilizing essential nutrients for worker safety Efficient – Comparable pricing and dosing (most cases reduced cost) Green Technology – recreates the natural iodine water cycle that cleanses the planet in the form of rain Non-Sensitizing – will not cause skin, eye or nose irritation Non-Toxic – not for human consumption but not harmful if ingested or inhaled Fragrance Free – contains NO fragrances to leave residues or lingering scents (fragranced versions available upon request) Effective against ALL VOC’s – Will effectively prevent the escape of VOC’s Prevents evaporation and sublimation – prevents the loss of Nitrogen for enhanced fertilizer value
Wastewater treatment Headworks and primary treatment Septage dumping Activated sludge basins Biosolid transport Food processing wastewater Concentrated Liquids for: Targeted Misting Systems RTU Hydrogels for: Bio-solids Transport Covering
Transfer stations Concentrated Liquids for: Dispersion Systems, Trucks, Roll-offs and Dumpsters “We trialed the product for 30 days at one of our transfer stations. It outperformed the heavily fragranced product we have grown accustomed to and did so more cost effectively.” Confidential Source
landfills Concentrated Liquids or Powders for: Targeted Dispersion or Water Truck Dispensing
Composting - Windrow, vessel & asp Concentrated Liquids or Powders for: Targeted Dispersion or Water Truck Dispensing
Cupridyne clean in action! Click Play to watch videos!
Contact Us For a Free Trial Today! Odor No More, Inc. 14921 Chestnut St. Westminster, CA 92683 Ph: 949-643-9540 Fax: 949-315-3621 Or submit the trial request form at: www.cupridyne.com