Health and safety at work act (1974)
Legislation The health and safety at work act 1974. health and safety law applies to employees, self employees, people on work experience, apprentices, volunteers, mobile workers and home workers. All pieces of legislation must be read and made clear to all of the above people. You need to ensure that everyone is kept safe and all safety requirements are checked. I.e Fire alarms checked regularly.
Policies Carry out a thorough risk assessment before opening for business, and it should be updated regularly Ensure that there is a health and safety policy written for the setting and appoint someone to be responsible for health and safety Keep a record of all accidents and incidents Provide safety equipment, written health and safety information and training Ensure the workplace is fully insured. Employers’ liability insurance must be taken out and public liability insurance must be taken out and public liability is strongly recommended, in case an incident occurs and the business is found to be at fault Policies must be covered in all areas, including discipline/behaviour, abuse/violence and use of force.
Effect of policy on a school It makes sure everyone is safe Reassures parents that their children are safe Improves OFSTED Makes sure that everything is under control Keeps everything and everyone in order Reduces the risk of injuries/accidents
What do teachers do/how it affects them Teachers need to ensure that all safety checks are done before children enter the building. All windows/cupboards, units and doors must be locked, especially with a nursery setting. Fire exits must be kept clear Teachers need to ensure that a register is taken fire alarm is checked regularly Meetings and trainings are attended
Bibliography Health and social care level 3 booklet