Impact of ENSO and Volcanoes on Tropical Precipitation Original Monthly Series Derived ENSO ocean and land signals Derived volcano impact-up to 5% Derived data set with ENSO and volcanic signals “removed”-note reduced amplitude of variations NEWS PI: Adler Gu et al. (2007) J. Clim (in press)
Is Rainfall Increasing in the Tropics? Time Series of Annual Totals (Tropics) Original Series of Annual Means 2005-largest annual tropical rainfall in series Modified Series of Annual Means with ENSO and Volcanoes “Removed” Gu, G., R. Adler, G. Huffman, and S. Curtis , 2007: Tropical Rainfall Variability on Interannual-to-Interdecadal/Longer-Time Scales Derived from the GPCP Monthly Product, J. Climate, (in press). Linear positive change 5% over ocean and 3% over ocean/land combined--statistically significant at ≥ 99%. May indicate long-term precipitation change signal. NEWS PI: Adler