Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) 14 CFR Part 107 Small UAS Rule 2016/9/1-089 (I) PP Original Author, FAASTeam Ken Kelley; POC Kevin Clover, AFS-850 Operations Lead, Office 562-888-2020; reviewed by John Steuernagle, Ken Kelley 9/1/2016.
Overview Commercial sUAS Operations The Commercial sUAS Operating Rule Remote Pilot Certification Requirements Part 107 Waivable Rules Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Knowledge Check What is the difference between Recreational and Commercial sUAS operations? Answer: Any operation strictly for hobby purposes is Recreational. Any operation for profit or in furtherance of a business is Commercial Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Basics UAS operators must obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate Visual line-of-sight, daylight operations 400 feet or below in uncontrolled (Class G) airspace UAS must weigh less than 55 lbs. and be registered Getting a Remote Pilot Certificate is covered in detail later in the presentation. All sUAS must be registered regardless of whether it is operated recreationally or for commercial purposes To register your aircraft go to www.faa.gov/uas In the right hand column under Top Tasks select Register Your UAS Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Part 107 Airspace Requirements Operations in Class G are allowed without air traffic control authorization Operations in Class B, C, and D airspaces, and Class E airspace designated for airports, require authorization from ATC
Operating Rules Visual line-of-sight only Daylight or civil twilight only No operations over people Must yield right-of-way to manned aircraft Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Operating Rules One UAS per operator Max groundspeed of 100 mph External load operation only permitted if the load does not affect flight operations or control Note: External load weight is included as a part of the total weight of the aircraft Can use a sUAS to deliver supplies, cargo, etc. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Remote Pilot Certification Must be at least 16 years old Must read, write, and speak English Must pass an aeronautical knowledge exam at an FAA-approved Knowledge Testing Center Part 61 certificate holders can take online training at faasafety.gov instead of the knowledge exam Must undergo TSA background security screening Only commercial operators are required to have a Remote Pilot Certificate Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Aeronautical Knowledge Exam Topics Applicable regulations relating to small unmanned aircraft system rating privileges, limitations, and flight operation Airspace classification and operating requirements, and flight restrictions affecting small unmanned aircraft operation Aviation weather sources and effects of weather on small unmanned aircraft performance Small unmanned aircraft loading and performance Emergency procedures Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Aeronautical Knowledge Exam Topics Crew resource management Radio communication procedures Determining the performance of small unmanned aircraft Physiological effects of drugs and alcohol Aeronautical decision-making and judgment Airport operations Maintenance and preflight inspection procedures Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule The Following is a Detailed Look at Part 107. Now that we have finished with our 400’ overview of Part 107, let’s take a more detailed look at some of the provisions within Part 107. Note that the regulations are paraphrased in the following slides and you need to review the entire text of the rule. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) Subpart A—General 107.1 Applicability. 107.3 Definitions. Subpart A - General 107.1 Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, this part applies to the registration, airman certification, and operation of civil small unmanned aircraft systems within the United States. 107.3 Definitions e.g. Control Station, corrective lenses, small unmanned aircraft system(sUAS), Unmanned aircraft and visual observer. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) 107.5 Falsification, reproduction or alteration. 107.7 Inspection, testing, and demonstration of compliance. 107.9 Accident reporting. 107.5 Falsification, reproduction, or alteration covers what each of these are and the possible penalties for doing any of them. 107.7 Inspection, testing and demonstration of compliance. Explains that the remote pilot/owner or person manipulating the controls of a sUAS must make available to the administrator, a remote pilot certificate, records report or any documents required by this part. 107.9 Accident Reporting. Explains the how and when the pilot/owner etc must make an accident report. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) Subpart B—Operating Rules 107.11 Applicability. 107.12 Requirement for a remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating. 107.13 Registration. Subpart B – Operating Rules 107.11 Applicability. This subpart applies to the operation of all civil small unmanned aircraft systems subject to this part. 107.12 In brief no person may manipulate the flight controls of a sUAS unless they hold a Remote Pilot Certificate or is being directly supervised by someone who has a remote pilot certificate. 107.13 Registration A person operating a civil small unmanned aircraft system for purposes of flight must comply with the provisions of § 91.203(a)(2) of this chapter. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) 107.15 Condition for safe operation. 107.17 Medical condition. 107.19 Remote pilot in command. 107.21 In-flight emergency. 107.15 Condition for Safe Operation No person may operate a civil small unmanned aircraft system unless it is in a condition for safe operation and must not continue the flight when the sUAS is no longer in a condition for safe operation. 107.17 Medical Condition No person may manipulate the flight controls, act as remote pilot in command, visual observer, etc. if they know they have a medical condition that would interfere with the safe operation of the sUAS. 107.19 Remote Pilot in Command remote PIC must be designated before or during the flight. The Remote PIC is directly responsible for all aspects of the operation of the sUAS to ensure compliance with the applicable provisions of this part. 107.21 In-Flight Emergency. In an in-flight emergency requiring immediate action, the remote pilot in command may deviate from any rule of this part to the extent necessary to meet that emergency. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) 107.23 Hazardous operation. 107.25 Operation from a moving vehicle or aircraft. 107.27 Alcohol or drugs. 107.29 Daylight operation. 107.23 Hazardous operation. No person may Operate a small unmanned aircraft system in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another; or drop an object in a manner that creates an undue hazard to persons or property. 107.25 Operation from a moving vehicle or aircraft. No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft system From a moving aircraft; or from a moving land or water-borne vehicle unless the small unmanned aircraft is flown over a sparsely populated area etc. 107.27 Alcohol or drugs . A person manipulating the flight controls of a small unmanned aircraft system or acting as a remote pilot in command or visual observer must comply with the provisions of §§ 91.17 and 91.19 of this chapter. 107.29 Daylight operation. No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft system during night, exceptions made under (b) & (c) Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) 107.31 Visual line of sight aircraft operation. 107.33 Visual observer. 107.35 Operation of multiple small unmanned aircraft. 107.36 Carriage of hazardous material. 107.31 Visual line of sight aircraft operation. With vision that is unaided by any device other than corrective lenses, the remote pilot in command, the visual observer (if one is used), and the person manipulating the flight control of the small unmanned aircraft system must be able to see the unmanned aircraft throughout the entire flight. 107.33 Visual observer. Discusses the requirements that must be met when using a visual observer. 107.35 Operation of multiple small unmanned aircraft. No person may not operate or act as a remote pilot in command or visual observer in the operation of more than one unmanned aircraft at the same time. 107.36 Carriage of hazardous material. A small unmanned aircraft may not carry hazardous material. For purposes of this section, the term hazardous material is defined in 49 CFR 171.8. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) 107.37 Operation near aircraft; right-of-way rules. 107.39 Operation over human beings. 107.41 Operation in certain airspace. 107.43 Operation in the vicinity of airports. 107.37 Operation near aircraft; right of way rules. Each small unmanned aircraft must yield the right of way to all aircraft, airborne vehicles, and launch and reentry vehicles. No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft so close to another aircraft as to create a collision hazard. 107.39 Operation over human beings. No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft over a human being unless they are directly participating in the operation or located under a covered structure or in a vehicle. 107.41 Operation in certain airspace. No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft in Class B, Class C, or Class D airspace or within the lateral boundaries of the surface area of Class E airspace designated for an airport unless that person has prior authorization from Air Traffic Control (ATC). 107.43 Operation in the vicinity of airports. No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft in a manner that interferes with operations and traffic patterns at any airport, heliport, or seaplane base. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) 107.45 Operation in prohibited or restricted areas. 107.47 Flight restrictions in the proximity of certain areas designated by notice to airmen. 107.49 Preflight familiarization, inspection, and actions for aircraft operation. 107.45 Operation in prohibited or restricted areas. No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft in prohibited or restricted areas unless that person has permission from the using or controlling agency. 107.47 Flight restrictions in the proximity of certain areas designated by notice to airmen. A person acting as a remote pilot in command must comply with the provisions of §§ 91.137 through 91.145 and 99.7 of this chapter. 107.49 Preflight familiarization, inspection, and actions for aircraft operation. Prior to flight, the remote pilot in command must: Assess the operating environment, considering risks to persons and property in the immediate vicinity both on the surface and in the air. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) 107.51 Operating limitations for small unmanned aircraft. Subpart C—Remote Pilot Certification 107.53 Applicability. 107.57 Offenses involving alcohol or drugs. 107.51 Operating limitations for small unmanned aircraft. A remote pilot in command and the person manipulating the flight controls of the small unmanned aircraft system must comply with all of the following operating limitations when operating a small unmanned aircraft system: Ground speed not to exceed 100mph, Fly no higher than 400’, Minimum flight visibility no less than 3 statute miles, cloud clearances of 500 feet below the cloud and 2000 feet horizontally from the cloud. Subpart C- Remote Pilot Certification. We will cover Remote pilot Certification in more detail after we complete the regulation portion of this show. 107.53 Applicability. This subpart prescribes the requirements for issuing a remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating. 107.57 Offenses involving alcohol or drugs. Describes the various infractions and the certificate actions that can be taken for those offenses. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) 107.59 Refusal to submit to an alcohol test or to furnish test results. 107.61 Eligibility. 107.63 Issuance of a remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating. 107.59 Refusal to submit to an alcohol test or to furnish test results. This part describes the potential ramifications of refusing an alcohol or drug test by law enforcement. 107.61 Eligibility This part describes the eligibility requirements for obtaining a remote pilot certificate. 107.63 Issuance of a remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating. This part describes the process for making application for the remote pilot certificate and the process for issuance of the remote pilot certificate. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) 107.64 Temporary certificate. 107.65 Aeronautical knowledge recency. 107.67 Knowledge tests: General procedures and passing grades. 107.69 Knowledge tests: Cheating or other unauthorized conduct. 107.64 Temporary certificate. A temporary remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating is issued for up to 120 calendar days, at which time a permanent certificate will be issued to a person whom the Administrator finds qualified under this part. 107.65 Aeronautical knowledge recency. This part sets the requirement for the two year recency requirement for knowledge testing. 107.67 Knowledge tests: General procedures and passing grades. Self explanatory. 107.69 Knowledge tests: Cheating or other unauthorized conduct. This part describes the consequences of cheating or performing other unauthorized conduct during a knowledge test. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) 107.71 Retesting after failure. 107.73 Initial and recurrent knowledge tests. 107.74 Initial and recurrent training courses. 107.77 Change of name or address. 107.71 Retesting after failure. An applicant for a knowledge test who fails that test may not reapply for the test for 14 calendar days after failing the test. 107.73 Initial and recurrent knowledge tests. This part describes the areas of knowledge being tested for the initial knowledge test and the recurrent knowledge test. 107.74 Initial and recurrent training courses. This part describes what must be included in an initial and recurrent training course. 107.77 Change of name or address. This part covers the process for changing the airman’s name and requesting a change of address. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
The Small UAS Rule (Part 107 Detailed) 107.79 Voluntary surrender of certificate. Subpart D—Waivers 107.200 Waiver policy and requirements. 107.205 List of regulations subject to waiver. 107.79 Voluntary surrender of certificate. The holder of a certificate issued under this subpart may voluntarily surrender it for cancellation. Subpart D – Waivers 107.200 Waiver policy and requirements. The Administrator may issue a certificate of waiver authorizing a deviation from any regulation specified in § 107.205 107.205 List of regulations subject to waiver. This part list the nine sections of the rule that are subject to waiver. We will look at this list later in the presentation. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Remote Pilot Certification 107.61 Eligibility. Subject to the provisions of §§ 107.57 and 107.59 (a) Be at least 16 years of age; Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language. in order to be eligible for a remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating under this subpart, a person must: Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Remote Pilot Certification (c) have a physical or mental condition that would interfere with the safe operation of a sUAS (d) Demonstrate aeronautical knowledge by satisfying one of the following conditions: Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Remote Pilot Certification Pass an initial aeronautical knowledge test If a person holds a pilot certificate issued under part 61 With a current flight review With a current medical Completes the FAASafety.gov course Apply with a CFI through IACRA (d)(2) If a person holds a pilot certificate (other than a student pilot certificate) issued under part 61 of this chapter and meets the flight review requirements specified in § 61.56, complete an initial training course covering the areas of knowledge specified in § 107.74(a) in a manner acceptable to the Administrator. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Remote Pilot Certification Advisory Circular 107-2 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) is a great resource. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Waivable Rules under Part 107 Operation from a moving vehicle or aircraft (§ 107.25) Daylight operation (§ 107.29) Visual line of sight aircraft operation (§ 107.31) Visual observer (§ 107.33) Operation of multiple small unmanned aircraft systems (§ 107.35) The next two slides show the list of Part 107 rules that are waivable. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Waivable Rules under Part 107 Yielding the right of way (§ 107.37(a)) Operation over people (§ 107.39) Operation in certain airspace (§ 107.41) Operating limitations for small unmanned aircraft (§ 107.51) Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Waivable Rules under Part 107 Applying For A Waiver Applying for a waiver from a provision of Part 107 you will need to go to www.faa.gov/uas. Once there click on the link on the home page titled “Apply for a waiver to part 107”. Follow the directions there and submit the application. Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Part 107 Information www.faa.gov/uas http://www.faa.gov/uas/getting_started/ http://www.faa.gov/uas/where_to_fly/ www.faa.gov/uas/faqs www.faasafety.gov Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Summary Defined Commercial sUAS Operations Discussed the Commercial sUAS Operating Rule Reviewed Remote Pilot Certification Requirements Determined Part 107 Waivable Rules Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016
Questions? www.faa.gov/uas Small UAS Rule Part 107 8/31/2016