SA1 Update at AARC2 All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam November 2017


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Presentation transcript:

SA1 Update at AARC2 All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam 21-23 November 2017 Arnout Terpstra (SURFnet) SA1 (Pilots) Activity Lead AARC2 All Hands Meeting @ Nikhef - Amsterdam - 21-23 November 2017

SA1 Objectives (1) Pilot (selected) research community use-cases Mario (GARR), Kostas (GRNET) Support e-Infrastructures to deploy AARC approach and increase interoperability Diego (EGI), Peter (EGI) Pilot advances use-cases, new solutions and approaches: Kostas (GRNET), Ioannis (GRNET) Showcase results, deployment scenarios and write documentation: Andrea (RETI) I myself joined AARC2 in June this year, so I’m relatively new compared to many other participants. Interestingly though, I’ve already had to manage some personnel changes: both the Task Lead for T2 and T3 have left or are leaving within the first 6 months of the project... Should I be worried about the correlation? ;-)

SA1 Objectives (2): Technology Readiness Levels “All AARC2 results will be at TRL8.” TRL6 -> TRL7 -> TRL8 Strong focus on (pre-) production AAI As opposed to trying out new cool stuff? Communities: build or buy? e-Infrastructures: prepare? Preparing sustainability plans is out of scope for SA1. Mostly work for the e-Infrastructures: communities will likely look at them to run their AAI infrastructure. CORBEL is already this far, but we’ll come back to that later. Use different names: technology proof (trl 6), pilot (trl 8), etc.

Research Communities in SA1.1 LIGO - Physics : Gravitational waves CTA - Physics: Astronomy EPOS - Earth Science LifeWatch - Life Sciences WLCG - Physics : HEP EISCAT-3D Physics: Atmospheric physics HelixNebula - Hybrid Cloud infrastructure CORBEL - Life Sciences / BioInformatics Wiki URL: Goal this F2F: translate requirements (gathered in interviews) to concrete pilot proposals / architectures. Method: sessions tomorrow, jointly draw architecture. After F2F: finalise pilot intake forms (links will follow in next slides)

1. LIGO: Simplifying complex user and account provisioning workflow on their distributed clusters (e.g. manual addition of users to the various clusters) Integrating in a federated provisioning model services computing resources (fed access to non-web applications) SSH access to VMs Data Replicator SAML-to-X.509 Token Translation

2. CTA: IdP/SP proxy (Shibboleth) COmanage (installed) + Grouper (currently working on) Adopting SIRTFI Enhance LoA associated to identities: cappuccino catch-all IdP Linking local (standalone IdP) identities to federated (eduGAIN) ones TIER approach

3. EPOS: Guest users (only 40 % users within eduGAIN) Identity Vetting Group/Role-based access to instrumental data Integration with EGI Check-in Attribute Authority (Unity) EPOS is interested in Distributed attribute management so perhaps a pilot where EPOS AAI based in unity acts as Atribute Authority towards e-infrastrucres AAI Ideally EPOS users should be able to use EPOS Services and generic e-infrastructure services as a united set regardless of who operates them Token translation.

4. LifeWatch: IdP/SP proxy Account linking / Token Translation (ORCID as IdP?) Citizen scientists Integration with EGI Check-in?

5. WLCG: Enable WLCG VO membership registration with non-certificate credentials, both new users and existing (credentials should have sufficient LoA and be integrated with our identity vetting process) Enable (largely) transparent command line functionality for non-certificate users Production infrastructure

6. EISCAT_3D: Big Data sizes involved: many thousands of users and many petabytes of data Some form of moderated data access control Guest users access Policies?

7. HelixNebula: https://wiki. geant. org/pages/viewpage. action Partnership with commercial providers, help them integrate their services with eduGAIN Project is (nearly) finished Valuable lessons learned for eduGAIN E.g. it was unclear to them how eduGAIN works Attribute release problems But: we’re still talking to them to see what AARC can do for them

8. CORBEL: Policy and sustainability of their operational model Splitting of governance of fundamental services between e-Infra and Research-Infra in a well defined way Governance model to ensure sustainability On the forefront of BPA: structured AAI model already in place - including BonaFide management, Data Access Entitlement, Operational Workflows e-Infras submitted combined proposal (EGI, GÉANT, EUDAT) Key point: looking for a sustainable operational model, using existing eInfras. Also, AAI platform alignment (LoA, uniqueID…) with other e-infrastructures Piloting with task2 - Policy harmonization - Alignment document Internal harmonization work among different research infras - How to deploy something for an open

e-Infrastructure Providers and interoperability pilots in SA1.2 EGI EUDAT PRACE GÉANT DARIAH Wiki URL:

EGI-EUDAT: https://wiki. geant. org/pages/viewpage. action Full interoperability between EGI Check-in and EUDAT B2ACCESS User communities already integrated in one infrastructure should be able to use services from the other infrastructure in an almost transparent way Define and implement a workflow to exchange authentication and authorization information between EGI and EUDAT (both ways) Identity information, LOA information Group information

EGI-EUDAT: Lead & Timelines Diego Scardaci Peter Solagna EUDAT: Willem Elbers GRNET: Nicolas Liampotis

EGI-DARIAH Pilot consists of two parts: DAASI: David Hübner Part 1: Implementation of a SP/IdP-proxy in the DARIAH AAI Compliant with the AARC Blueprint Architecture Implementation of AARC recommendations & guidelines Based on Shibboleth Part 2: Interoperability pilot between EGI and DARIAH Timeline Part 1 until Q1 2018 Interoperability pilot (part 2) afterwards Concept on: Feel free to comment! DAASI: David Hübner Peter Gietz EGI: Diego Scardaci Peter Solagna Deadlines are still a bit vague, needs some work. Status: Initital call in October Part 1 proxy running as PoC Implement more features in coming 2-3 months E.g. ePUID as identifier AARC group membership recommendations

EUDAT-PRACE: Goals PRACE LDAP – B2ACCESS synchronization Entity/identity provisioning in B2ACCESS based on LDAP search filter (branch, attributes) Only users who accepted terms and conditions Assigning to B2ACCESS groups based on LDAP filter Still the admin may manually assign an entity to additional group, define attribute or disable it Users processed in bulk periodically B2ACCESS – B2STAGE/B2SAFE synchronization B2SAFE account provisioning and DN mapping (1-1) on demand Assigning to B2SAFE groups based on B2ACCESS group membership Support for certificates: Used as B2ACCESS credentials (e.g. IGTF) Generated by B2ACCESS Single user processed online, just before the standard authorization Very high level goals: Provision PRACE users in EUDAT B2ACCESS Provision B2ACCESS users in B2SAFE/B2STAGE

EUDAT-PRACE: Status & People The work in progress was presented to EUDAT during developers meeting in October The work was in general accepted and decided to be put in production Some enhancements were suggested (regarding efficiency in particular) Deployment agenda was agreed Implementation (including suggestions) finished in mid November Documentation in progress Deployment in a couple of production services planned until the end of December Real life tests, corrections, enhancements… Expressing user’s agreement on terms and conditions, processing personal data, etc. to be compliant with GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct and local policies –to be discussed and clarified. EUDAT: Willem Elbers EUDAT/PRACE: Claudio Cacciari Giuseppe Fiameni PRACE: Michal Jankowski Ralph Niederberger

EGI-GÉANT-EUDAT CORBEL / LifeSciences infrastructure proposal Combined AAI between EGI, GÉANT and EUDAT To be further discussed on Thursday

T1 Pilots schedule today August 1, 2017 November 1, 2017 February 1, 2018 May 1, 2018 August 1, 2018 November 1, 2018 February 1, 2018 May 1, 2018 May 1, 2017

T2 Pilots schedule today August 1, 2017 November 1, 2017 February 1, 2018 May 1, 2018 August 1, 2018 November 1, 2018 February 1, 2018 May 1, 2018


What’s next? Now: F2F meeting, translate requirements to concrete proposals/architectures Interactive session tomorrow morning, details will follow Soon: another plug-fest (Q1/Q2 next year) When? Soon: first deliverable (due 30 April 2018) DSA1.1 First Results on Research Communities Pilots Prepare!