PARTY DAY – Monday 4th December Hot Sausage roll, ½ Sandwich FESTIVE MENU PARTY DAY – Monday 4th December Hot Sausage roll, ½ Sandwich Crudités, Coleslaw, Potato Wedges or Nachos Ice Cream Pot CURRY DAY – Tuesday 5th December Chicken Korma with Rice Macaroni Cheese Broccoli or Swede Festive Iced Bun PIZZA DAY – Wednesday 6th December Margherita or Ham & Pineapple Pizza With Sauté Potatoes Green Beans or Chopped Salad Selection of Christmas Desserts CHRISTMAS DINNER Thursday 7th December Roast Turkey or Quorn Roast With Stuffing & Sausage, Roast Potatoes & Gravy, Peas, Carrots & Brussel Sprouts Chocolate Santa Pot, Christmas Cookie Or Satsuma FISH FRY – Friday 8th December Golden Fish Fingers or Quorn Sausages With Chipped Potatoes Baked Beans or Sweetcorn Fruit & Jelly Jacket potatoes, Freshly Baked Bread, Salad & Fruit available daily, except Christmas Dinner day. Spot Prizes to be Won Usual Meal Prices Apply: £1.90
If your child would like to enjoy Christmas Week with Chartwells, please complete the slip below and return to your school kitchen by Please make payment in the usual way, current meal prices apply. Name………………………………………................................ Class………………………………………... Amount enclosed £…………………………. I have paid online (if applicable) Yes/No KS1 Free Meals Yes/No KS2 Free School Meals Yes/No