Parents Maths Workshop Written Strategies
Maths is like… Train-spotting… you jot down a whole load of numbers for no apparent reason Cabbage…you either love it or hate it depending on how it was served up to you as a child
Aims of session To consider how the four operations are taught in school today. To look at the visual calculation policy. To suggest real-life contexts for practising these skills.
Key differences today Interactive teaching Emphasis on mental calculation Different approach to written calculation Maths through problem solving Maths is fun!
The aim The aim is for children to do mathematics in their heads, and if the numbers are too large, to use pencil and paper to avoid losing track. To do this children need to learn quick and efficient methods, including appropriate written and mental methods.
Mistakes children make: 1 16 - 9
We want children to ask themselves: Can I do this in my head? Can I do this in my head using drawings or jottings? Do I need to use an expanded/compact written method? Finally – is my answer sensible?
New Curriculum 2014 The new curriculum specified the written methods that must be taught.
Addition By Years 5 and 6 children are using column addition to add numbers over 4 digits and decimal numbers together.
Subtraction In Years 5 and 6 children will be using column subtraction.
Multiplication Children will still learn the ‘grid method’ up until Year 4 but then will move onto column multiplication and long multiplication.
Division When dividing by a single digit children will use short division (bus stop) When dividing by a 2 digit number children will use either chunking or long division.
Real-life Contexts
Any questions?