Riding the Wave of Innovation alio Keyboarding/Navigation Martha Pluemer Client Services Manager
alio Keyboarding In this session we show you how to navigate through alio without using a mouse for quicker data entry and time management. The alio application has keyboard Hot Keys for maneuvering in the applications. For example, to find a record, you can click the Find button with your mouse or you can press F2 on your keyboard. Additionally, there are field editing keys, cursor movement keys and wildcards.
alio Keyboarding Menu Functions The alio Menu bar is used to navigate between forms and fields, disconnect and connect to the system, and query, print, save, and delete records. Notice the first letter in each word on the Menu Bar is underlined. That is an indication you can use Alt + underlined key, for example Alt+F key to display the contents of the File menu. Menu Bar Once the menu displays, use your arrow keys to scroll up and down within the list and press ENTER to make a selection.
alio Keyboarding – Menu Functions Some commonly used menu functions:
alio Keyboarding – Menu Functions
alio Keyboarding – Menu Functions
alio Keyboarding – Menu Functions
alio Keyboarding – Menu Functions
alio Keyboarding – Menu Functions
alio Keyboarding – Menu Functions
alio Keyboarding – alio Tool Bar Using the alio Tool Bar Each alio Tool Bar button performs a specific function. The following table defined the menu functions available in alio. It also provides the corresponding hot key cross-reference. Tool Bar
alio Keyboarding – alio Tool Bar
alio Keyboarding – alio Tool Bar
alio Keyboarding – alio Tool Bar
alio Keyboarding – Field Editing Keys Using the Field Editing Keys When a form is accessed the cursor is positioned in the first field that can be modified or used to implement a search.
alio Keyboarding – Field Editing Keys
alio Keyboarding – Field Editing Keys
alio Keyboarding – Cursor Movement Keys
alio Keyboarding – Cursor Movement Keys
alio Keyboarding Understanding the Bottom of the alio Form The bottom portion of the alio form contains brief informational messages. It also contains prompts to enter or select information and indicates specific key strokes applicable to the task you are performing. The Record indicator displayed below the Message line shows the current record number and the total number of available records. A questions mark (?) displays if the number of records is not calculated. To calculate the number of records, click Record, and then click Last Record from the menu options.
alio Keyboarding - Wildcards Using a Wildcard to Search for a Record When using the Find function, you can use a wildcard character to search for one or more records. This feature is especially useful to display a group of records to browse. The following wildcard characters are available: Percent (%) in character fields Underscore (_) in numeric fields Less than and greater than signs (< and >) in numeric and date fields
alio Keyboarding - Wildcards The percentage sign (%) represents zero or more characters. To use the percentage sign, enter as many characters as you want, substituting unknown characters with a percentage sign. You can place the percent sign anywhere in a string of characters for searches. For example, if you enter 8%711% in the field, all records starting with 8 that have 711 in the field value are retrieved from the database, such as: Results
alio Keyboarding - Wildcards The underscore sign (_) represents one character (alpha or numeric). To use the underscore, enter as many characters as you want, substituting unknown characters with an underscore. For example, if you enter 8-__-000-000-75____-000-000000-0 in the field, all records starting with 8 that have any 2 digit values for the fund dimension and function dimension starting with 75 (4 digit unknown) are retrieved from the database, such as:
alio Keyboarding - Wildcards The less than (<) and greater than (>) signs represent all numeric or date values above or below the numeric or date value entered. Enter the known numeric or date value with a less than sign to retrieve all information with a value less than the known value, for example, <07012016. Enter the known numeric or date value with a greater than sign to retrieve all information with a value greater than the known value, for example, >01012016.
alio Keyboarding – Report Parameter To run a report, rather than clicking Submit Query with your mouse, make sure your cursor is in a data entry field on the runtime parameter and press ENTER. Be sure your cursor is not in a field with an LOV when pressing ENTER.
alio Keyboarding QRG For more information, review the Quick Reference Guide to Navigating alio located on infolink. Resource Id: 3839
Additional Training If you are interested in other alio WebEx group training sessions, you can view a list of sessions currently available at, http://www.myalio.com/web-training/ If you prefer one-on-one training, please contact your alio support provider directly for cost and scheduling information. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact alio support at 1-800-914-9879 or by direct e-mail to wccc@hammer.net.
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