Driving and Texting PSA Reflection Questions Jonathon Mungal Pd.1
How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? This Texting and Driving PSA commercial challenges everyone to not text and drive. It does this most effectively by not only showing you the perspective of the driver who is the mother, but giving you a strong impact at the end where the phone screen cracks. This challenges not only the teenage group as most commercials do but, it also puts some blame on the older generation as they to are texting and driving. The end goal of this commercial is to reduce the amount of accidents due to texting and driving. I believe the simple but, impactful video really challenges everyone to not text while driving.
How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? This Texting and Driving PSA commercial will engage with audiences as it is relatable and impactful at the same time. This commercial can easily be distributed as real media text. The video would be distributed through social media. As the video can easily be altered to be a Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter ad as it is in the shape of the phone it can easily conform to the size of a phone. I would put it on social media because this will target the people who would be subjected to texting and driving considering they are on there phone now it is more likely they will text and drive then someone watching CNN.
How did your production skills develop throughout this project? This Texting and Driving PSA commercial increased by span of developing skills. This video not only taught me how to screen record on an iPhone which I have never done before but, also taught me how to edit on a program called Adobe After Affects. Using Adobe After Affects and Final Cut Pro two well known editing software's is what I found most engaging therefore constantly learning about both programs. Using both of these software's on top of apples screen recording software increased my production skills substantially higher then where I was at for my last project.
How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online – in this project? Technology made this project what it is without it the project would be non-existent. First lets start with the software, Adobe After Affects made this video what it is from everything to the high quality to making sure the video was stable Adobe After Affects also provided realistic sound affects which made the video where it is. Secondly hardware, the hardware that was used in order to make this video was a cannon camera and two iPhones. Lastly the internet, the internet was a large part of what made this project so successful. The internet was used to get several sound clips as well as to view other PSA’s where we learned the video has to be simple yet impactful. Overall, the video would be non-existent without technology.
Format Intro Picture: https://d23q6jsy9lr4bo.cloudfront.net/assets/images/index/head_pho ne.png Slides 2-4 picture: https://placeit.net/uploads/stage/stage_image/5325/default_waterma rked_a11641base.png