Project hammer PC_CA_SWE_07 CA Celcom CA Project 2017-05-8 © Ericsson AB 2016
PC_CA_SWE_07 CA-report – DT KPI overview – 4G Celcom CA Project 2017-05-8 PC_CA_SWE_07 CA-report – DT KPI overview – 4G # KPI Cluster KPI Target Result PASS/ Remarks Celcom FAIL A. Coverage & Quality A. RSRP (Objective 95%) >=-105dBm @ 95% of the sample 99.84% Pass A. SINR (Objective >60% of samples >10dB; >95% samples >+5dB) >=0 db@ 95% of the sample 99.58% >=5 db@ 95% of the sample 94.25% Fail Refer to DT Analysis >=10 db@ 60% of the sample 75.28% A. LTE cell overlapping (LTE1800) No. of cells within 4dB window: >=4 <2% of area (RSRP>=-105 dbm) 1.13% No. of cells within 4dB window: >=2 <30% of area (RSRP>=-105 dbm) 29.87% No. of cell with 10dB window: >=7 <2% of area (RSRP>=-105 dbm) 1.66% LTE cell overlapping (LTE2600) 0.48% 24.23% 0.11% A. Primary and Secondary Cities A. Download throughput (5Mbps where applicable as per design criteria) 95% of bins in a cluster >= 5Mbps 98.73% A. Upload throughput (250 kbps where applicable as per design criteria) 95% of bins in a cluster >= 250kbps 100.00% A. Mobility Test (PS Short Call Open mode) A. Network Accessibility Success Rate @ 50km/h >=99.5% A. Call Drop Rate @ 50 km/h <=0.6% 0.00% A. LTE -> UMTS re-selection success ratio >=95% A. LTE <-> GSM re-selection success ratio A. Mobility Test (PS Long Call Locked to LTE) A. Download average throughput (long call locked to LTE) 95% of bins in a cluster meeting the throughput as per design A. Upload average throughput (long call locked to LTE) A. Intra-LTE Handover Failure <= 2% A. CS Services A. CSFB call setup success rate >=98% A. CSFB Call setup time 95% of samples <=6.5 sec for Mobile-to-Mobile calls 19.00% A. Reselection time back to LTE (after CSFB) 95% <=5 sec 43.41% © Ericsson AB 2016
PC_CA_SWE_07 _DT KPI—4G DT KPI lte SINR # KPI Cluster KPI Target Result PASS/ Remarks Celcom FAIL A. SINR (Objective >60% of samples >10dB; >95% samples >+5dB) >=0 db@ 95% of the sample 99.58% Pass >=5 db@ 95% of the sample 94.25% Fail Refer to DT Analysis >=10 db@ 60% of the sample 75.28% SINR After SINR Before SINR Simulation Plot Area 2 Area 2 Area 1 Area 1 Area 3 Area 3 Summary: 3 areas are identified with bad SINR, cycled as the above. PA Comments 1 Bad SINR due to no dominate cell 2 3
PC_CA_SWE_07 _DT KPI—4G DT KPI lte SINR 1/3 SINR Before SINR Simulation Plot Google Earth Footprint SINR After 1020m 1130m 710m DL Throughput QL41015_8_1 Sector View Area 1: analysis: SINR is bad due to no dominate cell in area 1. QL10073(Height:30m)is about 1020m from PA1;QL10066(Height:64m)is about 1130m from PA1;QL41015(Height:15.2m)is about 710m from PA1. After the action as left, SINR in this area is improved obviously. Cell Height PCI MT ET Opt ET DIR QL10066_8_3 64 24 9 10 310 QL10073_8_2 30 92 5 7 220
PC_CA_SWE_07 _DT KPI—4G DT KPI lte SINR 2/3 SINR Before Google Earth Footprint Google Street View SINR Simulation Plot 670m 740m SINR After Area 2: Analysis: SINR is bad due to no dominate cell in area 2. QL10071(Height:24m) is about 670m form Area 2;QL10067(Height:30m) is about 740m from Area 2. Downtilts has been made as below, but no better performance showed;and this is dense forest area, coverage is also essential, so the change was rolled back. Cell Height PCI MT ET Opt ET DIR QL10071_8_1 24 121 3 5 60
PC_CA_SWE_07 _DT KPI—4G DT KPI lte SINR 3/3 SINR Before RSRP DL Throughput SINR After QL10440_8_2 Sector View Area 3: Analysis: Bad SINR is due to no dominate cell in this area. Though QL10440_8_2 point directly at the road, lots of building and forest block its signal. DL throughput is acceptable as average bitrate>7Mbps. After action as left, SINR in this area is improved obviously. Cell Height PCI MT ET Opt ET DIR QL10440_8_2 36 41 1 3 190 QL10065_8_1 30 10 2 5 6 100
Celcom CA Project 2017-05-8 © Ericsson AB 2016