Bronx Community Health Dashboard: Violence Created: 4/18/2017 Last Updated: 10/23/2017 See last slide for more information about this project.
Annual cost of interpersonal violence in the United States USA has more than double the rate of interpersonal violence than World Bank high income countries Data source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. GBD Compare Data Visualization. $592.35 billion Annual cost of interpersonal violence in the United States Data source: Waters, H. R., Hyder, A. A., & Rajkotia, Y. (n.d.). The costs of interpersonal violence—an international review. Elsevier Ireland Ltd., 73, 303-315. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2004.11.022 Data source: CDC Underlying Cause of Death, 1999-2015. 5.3 4.2 4.8 7.7 3.3% of GDP WHO economic dimensions of inter-personal violence (2001) Interpersonal violence definition: violence between family members and intimate partners, and violence between acquaintances and strangers that is not intended to further the aims of any formally defined group or cause Infograph age-adjusted assault mortality rates: USA (5.3) ; NYC (4.8); NYC excluding Bronx (4.2); Bronx (7.7).
Youth Violence
The percentage of youth in the Bronx carrying weapons has fallen over the last 12 years Data source: New York City Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2003-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH. Data captured biennially and not available before 2003.
Young men are twice as likely to carry a weapon and nearly 4 times as likely to carry a gun as young women in the Bronx Data source: New York City Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2003-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH. Data captured biennially and not available before 2003.
Percent of youth purposefully hurt by someone they were dating has fallen for men and non-Hispanic black youth, but has risen for women and Hispanic young adults Data source: New York City Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2013-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH. Data captured biennially.
Sexual violence is declining in the Bronx Data source: New York City Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2013-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Sexual violence is decreasing for boys, non-Hispanic black, and Asian youth but is increasing for girls Data source: New York City Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2013-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Young men experience higher percentage of in-person bullying but young women experience higher percentage of online bullying Raw data – by type, pie chart, gender, in person/e-bully Data source: New York City Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2009-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Violent Crimes
The NYC Murder and non-negligent manslaughter rate has fallen 10 fold in the last 25 years Data source: Uniform Crime Reporting 1990-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH. Data captures all of New York City, not stratified by borough.
Assault Hospitalizations
9 of 15 Districts with Highest Rates of Assault Hospitalizations are in the Bronx 201 Mott Haven & Melrose 202 Hunts Point & Longwood 203 Morrisania & Crotona 204 Highbridge & Concourse 205 Fordham & University Heights 206 Belmont & East Tremont 207 Kingsbridge Heights & Bedford 208 Riverdale & Fieldston 209 Parkchester & Soundview 210 Throgs Neck & Co-op City 211 Morris Park & Bronxdale 212 Williamsbridge & Baychester 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 205 Data source: New York City Community Health Profiles.
Intimate Partner & Family Violence
Intimate partner & family violence homicide rates, 2010-2015 All of New York City Data source: 2010-2015, from the 2016 NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee Reports. Population estimates modified from 2011-2015 5-year American Community Survey Estimates.
Method/weapon for family-related homicides, 2010-2015 Intimate Partner Homicides Other Family Homicides Firearms accounted for 60.4% of all homicides in NYC, compared to 20% for family-related homicides Data from 2010-2015. Compiled from the 2016 NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee Reports. Data is for all of NYC, not specific to the Bronx.
Intimate partner homicides by Community District, 2010-2015 40% of family-related homicides occurred in these 10 Community Districts; 5 of the top 10 are in the Bronx. Data source: 2010-2015, from the 2016 NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee Reports.
Assault Mortality
Assault-related mortality rates have fallen but are still higher in the Bronx than other boroughs Add in peer counties Data source: National Vital Statistics Surveillance System. Underlying Cause of Death, 1999-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Assault-related mortality rates are highest in non-Hispanic blacks, males, and those aged 15-24y Data source: National Vital Statistics Surveillance System. Underlying Cause of Death, 2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Age and race/ethnicity differences in assault mortality are most profound among males as compared to females Data source: National Vital Statistics Surveillance System. Underlying Cause of Death, 1999-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH. Age-specific results not age-adjusted.
While mortality rates have fallen since 2000, those aged 15-34 have assault-related higher mortality rates than those 35-44 Data source: National Vital Statistics Surveillance System. Underlying Cause of Death, 2000-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Assault-related mortality rates are highest amongst non-Hispanic blacks Data source: National Vital Statistics Surveillance System. Underlying Cause of Death, 1999-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH. Data for non-Hispanic white population statistically unstable from 2008 onwards.
Firearm assault is the largest contributor to assault-related mortality rates in the Bronx Data source: National Vital Statistics Surveillance System. Underlying Cause of Death, 2000-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
About the Community Health Dashboard Project The goal of the project is to provide Bronx-specific data on risk factors and health outcomes with an emphasis on presenting data on trends, socio-demographic differences (e.g., by age, sex, race/ethnicity, etc.) and sub-county/neighborhood level data Data will be periodically updated as new data becomes available. Produced by Montefiore’s Office of Community & Population Health using publicly-available data sources For more information please contact Colin Rehm, PhD, Manager of Research & Evaluation (