Smart Tourism: Innovation, partnerships & sustainability Emma La Ferla Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU
Tourism: Maritime Perspective Tourism is a significant sector of Malta’s economy – about 27% of our GDP Dependent on the sea Malta supports the Integrated Maritime Policy Maritime sector set as a priority area for the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU
2012 EU Blue Growth Strategy Coastal Tourism identified as one of the five key sectors with high growth and jobs potential
1. Nautical Tourism Huge potential of the sector Important sub-sector of tourism Over one third of the maritime economy Need to develop innovative strategies
Challenges of Nautical Tourism Lack of innovation and diversification International competition Volatility of demand and seasonality Mismatch of skills Growing environmental pressures Skippers Licence Promote mobility of workers within the nautical tourism sector
2. Towards a Sustainable Blue Economy Initiative for the Western Mediterranean Improve maritime governance in the region Fostering growth and jobs Improving safety and security Sustainable approach Tourism features prominently for a smart & resilient Blue Economy
3. International Ocean Governance What can we do to protect our oceans? Council Conclusions on International Ocean Governance Addressing marine ecosystems, impacts of climate change, marine litter amongst others UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – Sustainable Development Goal 14
4. Cruise Tourism Recent trends indicate a fast-growing cruise industry Ports also need to adapt at a fast rate World-first mass evacuation drill exercise on board a cruise ship MALTEX-EVAC 2017
Declaration of the European Ministers Responsible for IMP on Blue Growth Acknowledges the importance of all relevant sectors of the blue economy Effective and efficient investment environment Quality of skills formation Importance of embracing digitalisation Research and innovation Business cooperation
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